Sunday, January 21, 2024

Another Cold Day

Windy too. I met CS and DM at Zambaldi to knit the afternoon away and DS was tending bar so I got to see him and visit with him for a few minutes. I started the afternoon knitting on the Cashmere Sophie scarf like you see in the picture and then switched to the Sockeye Salmon Hermione sock because I couldn't remember to knit the increase on Row 8. You'd think that since it's the only row that isn't the same as the rest it'd stick out and I'd remember. Evidently not. Or maybe there was too much talking for my feeble brain to concentrate. And I was drinking root beer instead of beer beer.

I spied a couple Juncos on the snow this morning and thought that they were in the right place. You can see that the bunny has been around by the scattering of rabbit raisins.

Instead of drawing out of one of the 20 Ways... books I pulled out Dr. Seuss's Animals and tried to draw this wavy creature. I should have colored it in but ran out of time before I had to leave for the brewery.

When I got home from the taproom I pulled out the new drawing book and drew Lesson 13 while I listened to an audiobook.

I knitted the second half of the sock cuff this afternoon and evening. Now I'm ready to start on the leg of the sock. I'm trying a new sock pattern which I hope will make interesting knitting. I'm kind of sorry that both of my new projects are with small needles and skinny yarn. I should have cast on one on bigger needles with thick yarn to have a variety but I wanted to knit with these yarns so I guess I take the bad with the bad. Suck it up, Barbara!

Man, I'm cold tonight. I almost tootsed the thermostat up a couple degrees while I was knitting but then I decided that I'd just turn in early and get under the covers where it's warm. We're supposed to have high winds later. Oh goodie.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Nice you could get out with friends to knit and chat. And DS to boot. Sounds like a good afternoon.