Saturday, November 17, 2007

Bernie's Blue...

As promised, I sat in Luna, drinking coffee and reading. The story I was working on got me to thinking about the conversation after writers group, about marriage and personal relations in general. So, here is the result of sitting in DePere.

The Blue Front was Bernie's home away from home. But tonight, he just didn't feel it. With all his heart and will, he worked at imagining Tina walking in. He felt precious little comfort in this act, however. Just a flutter of wonder at the fact that such feelings could even exist. The pain of loss and bone-jarring annoyance aside, it seemed to him a miracle that someone could ever soften another's heart. A heart that's been conditioned to toughness in the face of the world's endless disappointment and failure. Such a meeting, such a personal connection, was something of a gift, if you believed in gifts that way.


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