Sunday, February 2, 2025


The only wildlife I saw today was this squirrel. I think both of these photos are the same squirrel but I can't really tell the difference between one squirrel and another. This one was getting a drink from the birdbath. You can see that we had a little snow overnight that turned the grass a pale golden brown.

Then it leaped up onto the roof of the suet cakes feeder and swung down under it to gnaw away at the frozen suet. It didn't stay long. I don't think it had a very good grip this time.

I spent most of the afternoon reading and editing the new manuscript. Right now it's just called Lucia & Burke but I'll give it a better name when I've got more of it organized into a cohesive story. I got through the oldest part of it yesterday and today and then downloaded a newer part with more characters and more conflict. I've got a long way to go on that one but I'm anxious to hear the comments on The Seaview Series book 3 tomorrow morning from my critique group. I made the order for the cover for book 3 this morning. I found an even better picture of two old guys on a beach at the edge of the water so I sent that along with some instructions to make it coordinate with the first two covers. I'm excited to see what they come up with.

As promised, I drew this Red Panda out of the Chibi book today. I didn't have a rusty red colored pencil to use so I did my best so she's not as orangey red as she should be but I like the way she turned out.


Tonight I went over to DS's house for Lunar New Year supper. We had take-out which was delicious and so much less work than cooking it all ourselves. I folded little origami envelopes that I tucked a dollar coin into and then made horoscopes on cards for everyone. It was fun to reinstate that family tradition.


A few days ago I responded on FB to DIL1's cousin, KZ, who got a frog Wooble kit for Christmas (they're all the rage) and couldn't figure it out. I volunteered to crochet it for her, not promising how long it would take. DIL1 had it tonight when I went over for supper so when I got home I printed off the pattern and I'll probably tackle it sometime this week. It looks simpler than LC's unicorn.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I'm sure you'll figure out the Wobble 🐸 in no time. Be sure to show us the final product.