Monday, February 3, 2025

More Snowy

Here's how my backyard looked when I got up this morning and it kept snowing until about noon. So we ended up with a few inches of wet snow. I didn't get around to snowblowing until the middle of the afternoon and by then I'd driven on the snowy driveway twice so there are two nice slick tire tracks down the drive. Maybe it'll warm up in a few days or be sunny and it will melt.

These are my favors from the Lunar New Year supper the other night. I wrote up a horoscope for each member of the family and folded an origami envelope for each of us with a dollar coin in it. But the real treat was my dessert fortune cookie fortune. It says, "A friend in the market is better than money in the purse." When I read it out LC thought I was making it up because I hadn't had any sales at the Market the day before but I handed it to her and her mouth dropped open. I had three friends at the market and while they're wonderful women I'd have preferred a sale.

I got to do the school run this afternoon and LC gave me three of her homemade donut holes. I was supposed to save them for having with my coffee in the morning but I gave in to temptation and had one when I finished clearing the driveway. Mm, so good. She makes them in little muffin pans and then rolls them in cinnamon sugar. Divine! And I still have two for tomorrow's coffee. Or maybe I'll have one tomorrow and one the day after. Yeah, that's what I'll do.

After supper I knitted on the Yet Another Deep Sea Hat and am getting close to finishing the skein but not the hat. I've got a red/yellow/blue skein that I think I'll use to finish the hat. Then I have two partial skeins of more pastel colors that should look good together. I'm determined to finish this yarn.

I didn't draw today. I didn't paint today. I didn't write today. I had a critique Zoom in the morning. I went to lunch with some of the St. Agnes Class of 1965. I picked up an Rx and stopped at the computer fixit store to ask a couple printer questions. I did the school run and I snowblowed the driveway. That seemed like enough for one day. I'll get back to business tomorrow. After all, tomorrow is another day.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

"After all, tomorrow is another day." I hear you Scarlett! You did have a busy day. You deserved that donut treat.