Sunday, February 9, 2025

Didn't See a Bird

Not up close anyway. Or a squirrel but I'm guessing there were squirrels out there because I saw their whole body prints in the snow. I saw a couple of birds flit by but none of them stopped so I could see what they were.


This morning I sat and drew yesterday's gratitude journal. It seems like I'm better able to examine the day from a little distance. I was impressed with myself that I managed to cram six things on the page instead of my usual four. Maybe I was extra grateful for the day yesterday?


I spent hours rereading Better Than Mom's and getting through the last 120 pages so that I could save the edited version and republish it with better back matter asking for reviews and directing readers to my other titles. While I was going through the manuscript I had a little formatting glitch that I've had before and asked for Help and this time I got the help I needed to fix the glitch. It's so satisfying when I learn how to fix something that's frustrated me time and time again.


Today's painting is a Waterlily and it actually turned out the way I wanted it to. I was very surprised that the petals look like the ones in the example and I was able to paint the lily pads so that they didn't look wrong. I was tempted to attempt to paint the water around the flower and lily pads but knew that I'd goof it up and I like the painting so the flower and the pads are just floating on the paper.


After supper I cast on another hat using the two alpaca yarns I used before so I'm calling it the Two Alpacas Hat. Now I'm hoping that I've got enough yarn to finish the hat because there isn't more or another color to add to the top if I run out. I'm playing a long game of yarn chicken with this one.


Once I got dressed this morning I forced myself to go out and run the snowblower. I was smart enough to put on long johns so I stayed pretty warm. Actually, it was 17 degrees but I was well bundled up and it was sunny so I didn't freeze.  This was not wet heavy snow so even the plow drift was a cinch to snowblow. It did blow back on me a couple times when the wind whipped around the house but it wasn't too bad.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Your Lilly painting is lovely the way it is. No need to add anything else.