Friday, June 14, 2019

The Best Laid Plans...

You know how that goes, I'm sure.  Needless to say (which translates to mean "I'm going to tell you in excruciating detail"), my plans for today were thwarted.  By rain.  By all-day rain.  I planned to mow the parts of the lawn not trampled by the skid steer and then plant a row of peas along the back of the part of the garden that I weeded the other day and then take my shower.  Instead I did a sink-full of dishes, vacuumed (I hate vacuuming), and took my shower before mooching around on the iPad reading random pages and watching non-educational things on YouTube.  After lunch I went over to the Social Security office (a 5-minute drive) to stop withholding taxes and got home in just about half an hour.  Which means I drove 10 minutes and spent barely 20 minutes waiting and talking to the SSA guy.  In a government office.  On a Friday afternoon, no less.  A. Mazing.

The most unbelievable thing about today is... I had to turn the furnace back on because it was 64 degrees in the house and I was freezing.  I'll admit that a few windows were open but I closed them and it still was cold so I cranked the furnace up again.  It's the middle of June, people, and I have my furnace turned on.  !!!!!

While binge-watching the early episodes of Finding Your Roots on Amazon Prime I cast on (and got 3/4 done) June Preemie Hat #1.  I finished it at Friday Night Knitting.


Once the hat was done I picked up stitches and knitted the arms onto the Happy Sad Mouse.  Tomorrow I'll knit the noses and embroider the faces on and be done.  It's very cute and I lovelovelove the colors.

14 June--Barbara Malcolm, Horizon. 

“Oh, Gail, these are lovely.”  Sara looked at the bright, lively paintings propped on every surface.
I exhaled heavily, not even realizing I’d been holding my breath.
Sara started around again, picking up one after the other.  “I love the way you paint flowers.  This is like a Monet,” she said, holding a painting of the lilies in my garden.  “And this little bouquet is so sweet.  I love it.”  She looked around at the multitude of watercolors.  “You’ve done all this since September?  Wow, you’ve got a real talent.”
            “Do you really think so?  You’re not just saying it because you think you have to?”
“Not at all.  I’ve taken enough art classes over the years to see that you have a gift.  Look at this one of the old canning jars and fruits, it’s perfectly balanced and you’ve painted emotion into the arrangement and even hinted at the room.  That takes a real eye.  This is just fabulous.”  She walked over and gave me a hug.  “I’m so happy for you, Gail.  I was worried about you being lonely or depressed after you retired, but I can see I don’t have to worry anymore.  And I love your haircut.  Makes you look ten years younger.”
I patted my hair.  “Ten years, huh?  I’ll have to tip my beautician more next time.”  We laughed.  “I’m glad you like my paintings.  I’m having so much fun in class.  There’s this high school girl in class, Samara, who decided I needed some modernizing.  We spent a Saturday last month clothes shopping together and had lots of fun.  And then there’s this ancient man, who I’m afraid fancies himself a real Romeo.”
“Gail,” Sara giggled, “are you trying to tell me you’ve got a boyfriend?  I’m shocked.”
“Oh, you’re as bad as Clara.  No, Floyd’s not a boyfriend.  He’s just an old fool with bad breath.  But I’m afraid he might have a crush on me.  He was awfully attentive when we all went for coffee after class last week.  Every time the phone’s rung all week I’ve been afraid it’s him and I’ll have to hurt his feelings if he asks me out.  I’m too old to date.  And I definitely don’t want another husband.  Bert was a fine man, a little bossy I’ll admit, but one was enough.”

Tomorrow I need to pull out a WW shrimp recipe that I can whip up for Sunday supper because my friend Lala is coming up to spend the night, just for fun.  If it's nice and sunny maybe we'll go see the butterflies and the gardens and if it's crappy we'll stay here and draw or color or something  Should be a good time.

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