Friday, June 28, 2019

Farm Report


Trying not to squash any new grass, I tiptoed out to the garden this morning to see what's growing and found lots of interesting things.  Like tiny yellow flowers on my Sweet 100 tomato plant,

lots of happy lettuces (chicken wire protects them from rabbits),

three potato plants growing like crazy with their onion balemates,



carrots and radishes coexisting happily,

and a mushroom! (I've been half-convinced that my bales had some sort of anti-fungal spray since no mushrooms had grown but there are some now.  Whew.)


I've started to walk around the block in the mornings and can't figure out what kind of tree this is.  It's short, has seven leaflets on each leaf, and clusters of pale green spiky balls.  Anyone know what kind of tree this is?  It isn't on my tree ID folder and I can't narrow it down to search on the web.  Help!

A Bluejay visited the spilled cracked corn this morning.  It's been months since I've seen one.  Welcome back.


I frogged (ripped out) the Fake Isle hat.  I've been avoiding knitting on it for weeks and admitted today that I just don't enjoy the technique so I turned it back into two balls of yarn.  I tried.  This yarn will be happy making something else one of these days.


The June Seaman's Cowl is getting taller.  It's the perfect project for sitting and chatting--knit 2, purl 2 around and around until it's 6-7" tall.  Mindless knitting, little thinking required.  Perfect.

I spent some time downstairs sewing up a knit Dress no. 3 until I realized that the last handful of packages of bias binding I bought is the wrong stuff.  (Do I have the receipt?  No, of course not.  So I went over to Joann's and got the right stuff--and that's all I bought except for some small d-rings to fix the grandkid apron strap.)  I stay-stitched the neckline and will sew on the binding and hem the sleeves and bottom tomorrow while watching Thursday night's Democratic debate on YouTube.  I meant to watch it when it was on both nights and completely forgot.  Lala mentioned it today so I found it and watched Wednesday's broadcast on my iPad while I pinned and sewed this afternoon.  Very interesting stuff.  Ten is a lot of candidates to showcase in two hours and there's ten more.  Holy crap.  I might need to make notes.

28 June--Barbara Malcolm, Horizon.

           Clara opened my back door when I got to the steps.  “What took you so long?  I nearly froze out there so I let myself in.”
           “We stayed longer at the café.  I was afraid you’d think I’d fallen in a hole.  You weren’t worried, were you?”
           “A bit.  I made the tea already.  Grab a mug.”
           “I feel like I did coming home after a dance to find Mom waiting up for me,” I said as I hung up my coat.  “Clara, you are not going to believe what just happened.”
           “What?  Did Abel show up and ask you out?”
           I sat down across from her and poured myself some tea.  “Floyd made a pass at me.”
           “The old guy?  The gnome?  He made a pass?”  She chuckled.  “Well, I’ll be.”
           “It was awful.  At first he said he admired my paintings and suggested we get together at his studio some afternoon.  Then he ground himself into me and tried to grab my breasts.  When I pushed his hands away and said I didn’t want a boyfriend, he told me he had a wife and a girlfriend already.”
           “Why, that old goat.”
           “Exactly.  His exact words were, ‘How about a little tumble?’  Can you believe it?”
           “I don’t know how you could resist that line.”  She tried to take a sip of her tea but snorted it up her nose instead.  That started the two of us giggling.  “Do you think he’s invited many women to his studio?” she managed to choke out.
            It took me a minute to catch my breath.  “Oh, maybe when he was younger he did but these days I imagine it’s all in his mind.”
           Clara nodded.  “So, when are you two getting together?” she said.  “To paint, I mean.”
           I looked to see if she was serious, but her eyes sparkled with mischief.   
          “Oh, Floyd’s hard to resist, but I think I’ll wait for a better offer.  One from a man who is a little younger and not as likely to stroke out if he gets too excited, if you know what I mean.”

I ran to the grocery for a quick stop on my way home from knitting and thought the sunset was worth a picture or two.  I'm always happy to find a place where the sky is big.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Your bale garden is incredible. I think it should be featured in a gardening magazine or somewhere so more people than us "followers" could see how amazing it is. So much stuff growing in a small area. It all looks beautiful. Love your latest sewing project. Can't believe there wasn't the proper binding in your mother's stash. That -- like the pink plastic wrap -- seemed endless!