The other morning Durwood called out that he saw a "baby hawk" land by the rhubarb. I hustled over and couldn't see anything. Then a full-grown Sharp-shinned Hawk strolled out from under the giant leaves. There was no way I could take its picture at that angle and no way that it'd hang around if I even attempted to open the patio door but it fluttered up to pose on the edge of the shed roof for just long enough for me to snap one picture. I just love it when hawks show up.
The pineapple sage is blooming. For some reason these red trumpets are very surprising to me. And the maple is showing off, big time.
That's all. I got a pneumonia shot on Monday that makes me feel as crappy as the flu shot always does so I just folded my tents and went to bed early last night. Maybe I'll manage to write tonight.
1 comment:
That hawk is impressive but the maple tree outshines it big time. We're battening down the hatches and keeping our fingers crossed that Matthew heads out to sea before coming up to our part of NC. LD and Debbie are heading over to the west coast of FL tonight -- at her insistence. He voted to ride it out but it looks like West Palm might take a direct hit and that's so close to them. Nancy, Michael and David hunkering down in Miami. I hate hurricane season!
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