Today is my baby boy's 37th birthday and I can't believe how time has flown. It seems like only yesterday he looked like this but I guess 12 years of schooling, 5 years in the Army, 4 more years of schooling, and 8 years of marriage mean 37's about right. He's still my best baby boy, though, and he is one wonderful husband and daddy.
This morning's sunrise was pretty good. I was afraid that the sky was too cloudless when I first got up for any decent color but by 7:30 a few had drifted in to catch the light and make it pretty. I filled the peanut wreath while I was out there and want to see how long it takes the bluejays and squirrels and red-bellied woodpeckers to empty it. (I just checked, it's about a third gone so it should be empty again way before noon.) My friend, ZM, posts awesome pix of herself doing headstands and lifting way too much weight on FB every day but I don't have a trainer handy to take pictures of my yog-ing (and I really don't think I want that anyway since I feel a lot more graceful than I look, of that I'm certain) so here's the best I can do. I'm just folding myself in half at the hips in a deep forward fold. Durwood's blessedly asleep when I'm doing yoga so he's spared the spectacle. When I sat up from "corpse pose" the last, laying flat out like a dead person pose, there were a half-dozen crows lined up on the fence and in the apple tree. By the time I got the camera out, only three were left but I liked the way they looked silhouetted against the cloudy sky. Last night a freelance writer gave a talk at one of the branch libraries and I went. She didn't really say much that I didn't already know but it was good to be in a room packed full of writers and to hear someone talk about writing, reminding me that it's something I can do. On Saturday another of the branches is having a "Reader & Author Fair" so I'm thinking I'll zoom over to listen to the keynote speaker talk about the writing life. Inspiration! Motivation! I needs it. November 11--Cary D. Bucklin, Girl with Flowers. Barbara was glad to play alone in the field behind the house. There was a hedge that separated it from the lawn and once she had trolled the garden for any ripe strawberries Daddy had missed picking before work, she took her doll and her play kitchen dishes and set up housekeeping. She'd stamp down the tall weeds to make rooms and weave some of the weeds together to make beds and chairs. She'd have strawberries, any peas she could hull, and a Mason jar of water for provisions and spend a happy afternoon playing pretend until Elvie called her in to get cleaned up for supper. Okay, it's 9 o'clock and I have to make a stop at Kwik Trip (for bananas and lottery tickets) on my way to work. A woman's errands are never done. *sigh* Broiled pork steak with a dab of Sweet Baby Ray's Vidalia Onion sauce, fresh broccoli, and fake potatoes for supper tonight--yum. I'm outta here. --Barbara
Happy Birthday to your baby boy - one day late! Nice that he and his sweet family live close so you can enjoy that precious girl of his. I can't believe my baby boy is a grandpa!!! But he's still Sonny Boy to me. No matter how old they get, they're still your boy.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday to your baby boy - one day late! Nice that he and his sweet family live close so you can enjoy that precious girl of his. I can't believe my baby boy is a grandpa!!! But he's still Sonny Boy to me. No matter how old they get, they're still your boy.
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