Sunday, April 26, 2015

Hints of Spring

I took my trusty camera out this morning to find hints of Spring.  There are a few (very few) leaf buds on the honeysuckle and the apple tree.  The Bleeding Hearts have sprouted in the shade beside the honeysuckle, and a few rhubarb leaves are of cutting size.  Woohoo!  I printed off the recipe for Orange Rhubarb bread, I'm ready.
I got all the laundry done yesterday (done but not folded and put away; folding's Durwood's job so I have to carry it up out of the basement for him to do his part) and I turned the collars of his 2 favorite flannel shirts and patched the torn armpit of his terrycloth bathrobe.  THEN I sat myself on the couch and knitted on the sleeves.  I got through the first 40 rows (increases every 4th row), next comes increases every 6th row four times which should give me 66 sts (if I'm doing it right; I should probably count my stitches, shouldn't I?), after which I'll knit even until I have 19 inches of sleeve before beginning the decreases for the sleeve cap.  So I guess I'm doing pretty well, progress wise, and so far (knock wood) I'm resisting knitting on any other WIP (work in progress) or starting anything new and, trust me, I have a folder full of ideas of what to make next, plus my Ravelry queue.  Eesh, I'll be Methuselah-old before I get it all done, but then I've probably got enough yarn already to make most of it, god help me.

Durwood and I did a little Wii bowling last night.  I won one and he won one before we decided to stop before he overdid it.  We'll have another match today to decide the World Championship of Living Room Bowling.  And then we'll do it all over again another day.  Eventually it'll get warm outside and I want us to do some things before next winter blows in that don't involve sitting around the house, so he needs to build up his stamina a bit.  Winter will happen soon enough so I want us to DO things, like go out toward Cecil to an Amish bakery I've heard of, just random local things to get us up and OUT while it's nice-ish.

April 26--Bruce Peterson, S5-55, Bank Columns & Money.

Cold columned cathedral
to the Lord God Cash,
paved in Filthy Lucre,
ringed with the glitter
of silver, copper, gold.
Lullaby swish of fanned bills,
the warm jangle
of a pocketful of change.
Money makes the world
go around, the song says,
grab all you can
as it spins by.

I'm going to go cut a bit of rhubarb and get some quick bread in the oven, then I'm going to knit more on my sleeves.  Really.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Whole new week. I'll be off to FL on Thursday. Looking forward to a fun trip.