I always thought that meant the day when you boxed up all the mess from Christmas and got the house back in order. Turns out it's when the nobility gave gift boxes to their servants. Noblesse oblige on the hoof.
Today DD and I are heading to Goodwill to score some wrapping paper. See, someone's grandma volunteered to make her a play tepee and she needs big paper to make the pattern pieces. I, uh, she has a book with the pattern in it but the book doesn't come with the paper pieces, only the directions, and since there're lots of fabric sales right now and coupons right, left, and center it might be the perfect time to get the canvas and cotton needed for the making. I'm sure I can whip it up for way less than the hundred bucks they are in stores. Plus I can make it extra cool.
I got the best gifts. DS, DIL1 & LC got me a gift certificate to my favorite yarn website, Durwood got me a tiny porcelain teapot that looks knitted, and DD & SIL1 gave me a pretty necklace and had a yard of fabric printed with handwritten Beatles song lyrics for me. I'm going to hate to cut it, but I will, at least a bit of it. DD & SIL1 made the best gift for LC; it's a busy board made with things they got in Home Depot and repurposed. She loved it, came back to it again and again. What a great idea. Oh, and Santa didn't forget to put a spatula in my stocking.

Durwood was blown away when he opened the gift from me. I found an enlargement of a picture he took nearly 40 years ago and framed it. As soon as I go downstairs for the picture wire it'll assume pride of place in the dinette where we can both bask in its glory every day.
December 26--Roger Vivier, House of Dior, Evening Boot. Cinderella would be proud to wear the blue satin and lace slipper. The foot that had worn the slipper lay a few feet away. It was stark white and very still. Gable and Wayne stood looking at the young woman sprawled on the sidewalk as if she had run out of her shoe, fallen, and forgot to get up. As far as they could see she had no injuries. Doc Jenner would tell them the cause of death as soon as she could. "D'you see another shoe?" Gable asked his partner. Wayne shook his head. He hadn't been on the force long enough to get used to dead bodies, especially ones like this.
Sunrise this morning wasn't colorful but I liked it.
I think it's time to toast a bagel. I don't often buy them and I want to eat my share while they're here. Happy bargain hunting, if that's your plan today.