It's Monday Again
I know I've said it before but, man, these Mondays whirl around fast, don't they? The good thing about Monday is I have a shiny new paycheck to cash. And I only have to work 3 days this week--before Friday and Saturday turn into the crazy days with new carpet installed in the ENTIRE house. It'll be great when it's done but right now the run-up's keeping me awake. (I keep trying to convince the furniture to levitate about 2 feet off the floor but it's just not cooperating.) I'm taking the prep in small doses so I don't overdo or wear out my helpers so I pack a box every once in a while or carry something downstairs (something not too heavy). I'm nearing the "what gets done gets done" frame of mind. I know that having JJ & JJ haul the smaller things to the garage on Thursday evening will be the frosting on the preparation cake.
How 'bout them Packers? I'm not a fan but it would have been hard to miss hearing the TV here at home, Durwood's sedate cheering, and the radio announcers' manic enthusiasm in the stores I was in. I think they might have won. The flyover was a giant, slow, bright orange helicopter. I don't know who it belonged to but it was pretty cool looking. Of course, I was trying to take a picture of a woodpecker when it flew over so I didn't get a shot of it. *shrugs* Oh well.
In the quiet times at work on Saturday and last night after I got too tired to haul or pack more I got the first side of the Sari Purse Fill-In almost done. It blends better in person than in the picture, at least I think so, and since I don't have matching yarn (if there is such a thing with this random a yarn) it'll have to do. I love the colors.
October 20--Claude Monet, The Stroller. Suzanne walked along the path, the tip of her umbrella making a wavering trail in the sawdust. Her steps were aimless and staggering. Her hat sat crooked on her mussed hair and there was a rip in the sleeve of her dress. She had been carrying a purse but it had dropped from her nerveless fingers far behind...
That's when I fell asleep. I know there was more to that story, what it is I haven't a clue. I woke up at 5 o'clock this morning. I am not pleased. It promises to be very Monday today. Auf wiedersehen.
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