Even if making it so sucks up a whole day and makes me feel like an old woman. Durwood and I busied around all day yesterday. He made masterful inroads in his piles o'paper that live on his side of the table (thank you, Dear, from the bottom of my heart) and I dusted, scoured, mopped, and vacuumed. I even got out the long dusting wand and evicted the cobwebs from the light fixtures and over the curtain rods. (I'm sure I missed some but it's better than it was.) After a 4-days-belated birthday supper of steaks on the grill, twice-baked potatoes, sugar snap peas, and banana creme pie (it was catered by other people who love Durwood and it was all sooooo good) I zipped to Goodwill in search of a cushion for Durwood's new chair. It's vinyl and his tushie gets uncomfortably sweaty when he sits there a lot, and it's his favorite chair so he sits there a lot. I found one, and for only $4.99. It's comfy and fits the chair perfectly. I also found a 2.5 yard length of woven plaid fabric that isn't wool (boo) but I still like it and it was also $4.99. When I was calling motels on Friday I talked to the owner of the Lariat Motel in Hardin, Montana. She had the room we wanted at a price we liked so I booked it. She asked for my name and address and zip code. I told her, she asked where that is and I said "Green Bay, Wisconsin." She exclaimed, "Oh! Where my Packers are!" (You notice that they're her Packers.) I said, "I didn't know you owned them" and she admitted that yes, they're hers, that she's loved the Packers for years. Durwood and I planned to scout the fan store in Walmart for some doodads to take along, bandanas and keychains and stuff for my cousin and his girls, we thought we'd get something for Charlette, owner of the Lariat Motel, too. So when I was in Goodwill on Friday night and again last night, I looked for a Packers something to take to her. (It's a good place to look for things at good prices, especially things that come to me on a whim.) Found nothing on Friday but look what I found last night--a new pair of Packers gloves for only $5.99. I had to buy them, they're tasteful yet Packer-y. I hope she likes them. August 10--India, Cuirass. There was a lion gnawing on her leg and Leah just lay there watching. She heard bones breaking and could smell the musky cat aroma of the great feline. It was her left leg so she'd still be able to drive a car. That was an odd thought, she supposed, but there didn't seem to be a reason to get all upset about the situation. The lion finished eating, yawned a huge jaw-cracking yawn, rolled on its side and went to sleep. Leah sat up, brushed herself off, and resumed her walk across the savanna. As she took the first step, she awoke. Immediately her hand reached to make sure her foot and leg were attached. They were. Odd, isn't it? But then dreams usually are. I was tired and probably befuddled with cleaning fumes and all the dust I kicked up through the day. Today I plan to start the wash, go to Aldi for fruit (pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, mango on sale) and pretzels, and Fleet for nuts so Durwood can start counting out servings making 100-calorie snack packs for our vacation. Maybe I'll pick some tomatoes but won't do too much work since I kind of overdid it yesterday... but I'm like that. Ask Durwood. Enjoy your Sunday! --Barbara
I love the Goodwill too. Those gloves were a real "find" and that woman is going to be so thrilled with them. I bet you'll be the first guests to bring her a "hostess" gift!!
1 comment:
I love the Goodwill too. Those gloves were a real "find" and that woman is going to be so thrilled with them. I bet you'll be the first guests to bring her a "hostess" gift!!
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