Sunday, February 23, 2014

Damn, It's Cold Again

The temp's about 8 degrees, at least it's above zero, but still.  Brrr, and it's not supposed to warm up again anytime soon.  *&^%$  It's so damned cold that the birdbath glacier is back, but at least the sun came up again and not behind clouds.

After Lala left yesterday afternoon (it was so great having her stop for an hour or so on her way up north) I made a mad dash around the neighborhood for some sale chicken, Cheerios (I had a coupon), and over 50# of birdseed, but I did NOT buy LC some red (or pink) cowgirl boots at Fleet Farm.  I looked at them and even fondled them a little but I did not buy them, didn't even think of buying them.  Hey, they were just under sixty bucks and she's seven weeks old, so she's not getting red cowgirl boots.  (at least not this year)

I started March Men's Chemo hat #1 Friday afternoon.  I started now because I'm knitting it and, as I've said before, I'm a much slower knitter than crocheter.  I'll probably go back to crocheting for the other 2 March hats but I wanted to make a Brangelina hat so I got a running start on the March production.  And last night while I watched the 4-man bobsled heats I finished making up the Red & Gold Xmas Stocking so I finished one (only ONE!!!) WIP during the Olympics.  Sheesh, I was sure I'd get more done in those 16 days but I guess I made too many Feb Men's Chemo hats but since they
counted toward my Ravellenic Games medal count I shouldn't complain.  I guess.  (why is what I accomplish never enough for me?  my parents weren't pushy and demanding, they liked me the way I was/am.  why can't I be the same?  bah.) 

February 23--Franz Peter Bunsen, Kettle Drums.  The sound woke her.  It was like a deep drumming heartbeat.  It vibrated through the walls of the house.  Sheila lay in the dark listening, trying to figure out where it came from.  She almost giggled at the thought that it was the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk coming up the stairs.

That's as far as I got before I zonked off, I know I did because Durwood squeezed my arm to tell me I was sleeping so I put my notebook and glasses aside, turned off the light, and made it official.  We've got a big bag of fruit and veggie peels and tops for Henny, Penny, Kiev, and General Tso in the fridge so I'm thinking I might just go over the DS & DIL1's house to give the chickens their treats, play in the backyard with Porter for a few minutes, and I might visit with LC while I'm there.  If she's awake.  Just maybe.  (maybe, right)

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

It's so hard to resist buying all that cute stuff for the baby. But good for you for exercising a little restraint. There's always more out there!