Monday, August 5, 2013

Actually Just One...

... prospective renter showed yesterday.  *sigh*  But I want him.  He's a responsible adult, a divorced man with a daughter on weekends, who has a good job and is in the Army National Guard with the unit up Military Ave. from us.  (huh, it just struck me that they maybe named the street because of the Army guys up there, I'm slow but stubborn, I eventually get it)  How do people make appointments and then not keep them, and not call to cancel?  Have we raised a generation of morons?  And impolite ones at that?  A couple did a rolling assessment but didn't stop and I got another email later last night, so maybe that guy will come to see it tomorrow.  *still got those fingers crossed*

I love the weather we're having lately.  It's warm and sunny in the day and cool for sleeping at night.  Once again I wanted to sleep with the windows open (that cool night air feels SO good) so Durwood slept in "his" bed because it was 76 in here and he was chilled.  I Do Not Understand how that works.  Why isn't he the same temperature as me?  *shrugs*

I was very accomplished in the kitchen yesterday.  I used my Farmer's Market veggies to make WW Health Salad which I defy anyone to tell that it's "diet" it's so good. (there's a little sugar in there, just a little)  A half-cup is only one Point and it tastes great, vinegary and sweet and crunchy with cabbage, cukes, and green pepper with a bit of shredded carrots for color.  Yummo.  I also fried, baked, and coated a pound of almonds to make Spiced Honey Almonds, another WW recipe.  This one isn't as "cheap" as the slaw--10 almonds=3 Points--but they've got red pepper flakes mixed in the honey and cinnamon in the sugar coating so they're a worthwhile expense in my opinion.  For supper I cut 2 chicken breasts into chunks and marinated them for a few hours, then strung them on skewers, skewered zucchini chunks and red onion wedges, and grilled it all.  And there's enough meat left for another meal.  Yay!  I love grilling out, don't you?  I'd grill almost every day if I could.  I even toasted sandwich thins and weighed out cheese and sliced turkey for work lunches AND measured out fruit salad and coleslaw to take for lunches too.  No emergency Subway stop for me this week, no siree bob.  (I just remembered that when DS was very small he thought I said "I'm sorry Bob"--so cute when he repeated it!  not as cute when he repeated other words...)

August 5--Egypt, The Singer of Amun Nany's Funerary Papyrus.  It took a lot of pounding to make sheets of papyrus paper for the scribe to write upon  The papyrus paper was much easier to carry from the warehouse to counting office and out into the farms than stone slabs.  Ali was careful to have at least one clean sheet to begin his day and his servant knew to make sure that he had a handful of brushes on his desk beside a saucer of ink made from soot and oil.  He ground the colors himself, not trusting an illiterate barbarian from far upriver to handle such precious minerals.

I suspect Ali is a royal turd and the barbaric servant is cultured and urbane or at least heroic.  That's the way those things usually go but I was too sleepy to find out.  Today Durwood is 74 years old.  He'll probably nap his birthday away but that isn't a bad way to spend a birthday, is it?  He's going to see if his muscle spasms will let him make a pot of cabbage stew for supper.  Stupid muscle spasms.  Happy birthday, Sweetheart!  I'm glad I ran slow enough for you to catch me.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Happy Happy Birthday to Durwood!! Are you celebrating??? We're in the middle of Beach Week so lots of "celebrating" going on down here. The liquid kind that is!!!