Monday, December 17, 2012

Eight More Days & I'm Kinda Freaking Out... a mature and quiet way.  I did manage to finish the secret sewing before bedtime last night--barely, but I got it all done.  (and the toilet's running again, stupid flapper chain)  I need to make a list of what cookies, etc. we're really going to make, see what supplies need buying, and plunge in, maybe even tonight after work, for sure tomorrow ALL DAY making and baking will be the order of the day.  And then there's that Christmas letter.  I supposed I'll have time today at work to get it written up.  Oh, yeah, I'm sure I will--unless more than one or two customers manage to find their way in and I can almost guarantee that won't happen.  Hasn't so far.  I've got a nice long list of things for Aaron the laptop fixer to work on when I drop the Kumquat off on my way to work today.  Hopefully he'll call and I can pick it up on my way in on Wednesday.  That'd be good, even though I'm sure it won't be cheap.  (I put Fray Check on the serged finishing seams last night and must have gotten tiny swipes on my fingers because it's peeling off like sunburnt skin--attractive)  After supper we went over to Nativity Church for the barbershoppers annual Christmas concert to benefit the pantry at St. Pat's.  It was good, we'd both like more male chorus and less female chorus and bell choir but it was a fun evening.  And an old lady sitting next to me was chatty and tried to get acquainted before the music started.  Turns out she and her late husband were active in the Model A club when Mom and Dad were.  Didn't really know them but she remembered their names.  Also the dad of one of my high school friends was sitting across the aisle so I got to wish him a Merry Christmas too.  It's really a small world, isn't it?  Today's Photo a Day theme is "on the floor" and this service dog was not-very-patiently waiting for his master during last night's concert.  The dog kept sneaking forward to sniff and lick the floor, then he'd get up, stretch real big (that's how I knew he was a he), and then get caught and reminded to lie down again.  He was quiet and long-suffering, and wore a sign that said "Do not pet me I am working" and you could tell he totally knew what it said. 

December 17--Camile Pissarro, The Harvest, Pontoise.  Years have gone but Lake can still see Lily's small body lying under the pear tree in the orchard.  After she found her sister's still form the police came again and again.  Scientists came to comb the long grass and scoop up bits of soil looking for evidence of who killed her.  Nothing was found.  The next year when the grass grew greener where she had died, Lake took the scythe and cut it back every time it grew tall.  Finally she sowed the ground with salt which only made something like a photo negative in the space.

That's it for me today.  I have to tell you, the grass is still green around here, not brown.  Green!  I heard the weather guy say that we're supposed to get a blizzard on Thursday so there'll be snow for seeing the botanical garden lights on Friday night with Lala.  Yay.  Have a good week, I'll talk to you tomorrow even though I'll have to use Durwood's dinosaur of a computer to do it.  That's how much I love you.
--Barbara Sue

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

So glad you're willing to use an alternate computer! Because we love you right back! XXXXX