Staying in Touch
In the past 24 hours I have spoken to most of the people I love best. There's Durwood, of course, my roomie and personal chef. DS called for advice on how to sew grain bags together to make a brewfest table cover. I called Aunt B, left a message, and she called back. We chattered away for half an hour or so not really saying much of import, just catching up on each others' lives. I look at that as one long "I love you" with the added bonus of getting to brag (even more) about my family. This morning I talked to both my
brothers, DD, and DIL1. The only one I missed is DIL2 and she's got a cold so I thought I'd let her nap this afternoon while DD's at work. (Oh, by the way, it's almost 4:30 PM. Me and the Old Guy went to Sam's and Walmart, then I went to JoAnn, so don't believe the posting time.) Next I want to whip up some curried cauliflower chicken soup for next week's lunches and maybe some hummus to have for lunch too. I bought a cucumber and some Roma tomatoes to slice and take along to put on my garlic Melba rounds with a schmear of hummus and my soup. Doesn't that sound good? I think so. Right now Durwood's in the kitchen leaned back in his chair snoring away. That man is a sleeping savant. He can nap anywhere anytime.
February 12--Alexander Gardner, Abraham Lincoln. He looked tired, Alex thought. No wonder with the job he had but the tall man was gracious and cooperative as he got the vignette set up for the photo session. Alex wanted a spare setting, no swags or draperies, no potted ferns or peacock feathers, Just a plain wall, a muted carpet, a chair and a table. Simple, like the man. Lincoln was taller and thinner than he'd thought. Stringy almost but with the kind of wiry strength that convinced Alex that he would work hard and achieve his goals.
Happy birthday, Abe! Time to make soup.
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