In. Sane.
This has not been an easy week for me with Mom having a burst appendix and needing emergency surgery last Tuesday, etc. She was in a lot of pain and also (understandably) down in the dumps about the whole thing. She's good about me having to work 3 days a week, not expecting me to dance constant attendance on her, but she's also (as all we mothers are) excellent at making me feel eleven years old and guilty about not making her better fast. Not on
purpose, you understand, but she's sad and hurting and not able to do things, which puts her in "a mood" to snap at those trying to encourage her to, say, walk around more or go to physical therapy so that she won't be "weak as a cat" for long. I think once she's off more of the painkillers and "happy" pills she'll be more herself, at least I hope so. Last night they moved her to the rehab center. So today in the interest of my sanity (and Durwood's too) after walking with Skully and Rainmag (her English Cocker) and Porter the grand-dog, I went for my annual mammo (all's well in the boobage), went to Mom's for clothes to take to the rehab, and when I got home me and the old guy hopped into the Uplander and zoomed off to Appleton to Penzey's spices for curry, thyme & sea salt, then we cruised World Market where I overspent on gifts and a few items for me. We had supper at Outback (cook's night out, Durwood said) where I had a lovely Cobb salad and he a small steak. I even managed to not think about Mom for a few minutes. She'll be better soon,God willin' and the creek don't rise. (Do not ask me where that came from, it just bubbled up from the tar pits of my past.)
October 17--Hubert Robert, The Bathing Pool. The water felt like silk on the skin and wasn't it scandalous to be nude outdoors? Renee had rarely been undressed as far back as she could remember. People just didn't get totally undressed but she couldn't resist the warm water of the bathing pool. It wasn't very deep so the sun warmed it nicely making it just right, not too warm to be refreshing.
I wish you could see my handwriting from last night. It was barely after 10 and I couldn't keep my eyes open. One of these nights I'm gong to get enough sleep.
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