Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Gray-ish Goldfish Match Gray Fountain Rocks

Manny & Max really blend in. I had the devil of a time finding them this morning when I fed them before plugging in the fountain pump, but then I saw the twitch of a little gray tail. Those scamps were hiding behind the pump. Whew. I wish I could just quit my job and stay home. The weather has finally turned into what's more normal for summer in WI and I could be sitting out on the patio working on the three interviews I have to have written and emailed to Erik by Monday. Monday!!! Eesh. Instead I'm sitting here in the dive shop. Oh, I've got my tiny tape recorder with the interviews on it that I'll be listening to once I get this posted but it'd be so much nicer sitting out in the shady breeze of the patio. I can't help thinking that if Durwood didn't have pneumonia we'd be making plans to drive away on Sunday to visit Yellowstone. Bubbling mud! Buffalo! Fossils! But not this summer. Maybe next spring.

August 9--Yves Saint Laurent, Dress. A woman to has to be shaped like a hanger to wear this, Jeanne thought. She squirmed and shifted the wool shift to try and get the black stripe to hang straight. Damned boobs keep messing with the line. I should have had reduction surgery. She repositioned her breasts, frowning at her reflection in the full-length mirror in her closet. Maybe a different bra would be better, one that minimized rather than enhanced. She contorted around and unzipped the dress, then stalked to her lingerie drawer in her heels. She traded out her bra for one that reined "the girls" in, considering as she did. Not only were they too big to be fashionable but they seemed to be trying to look at the ground. Maybe gravity was getting stronger.

Durwood would never believe it but boobs do get in the way at times. Spend some time outside today.

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