Saturday, June 8, 2024

What Rose Cooks

A couple people in the Novel critique group commented on the food that I write about in Open for Business and how they want to make it or taste it. I've been thinking about the idea since Thursday and spent the day working up recipes for muffins and egg casserole and gazpacho. I already had recipes for pimento cheese and banana bread so all I had to do was type them onto the page. Do people ever make the recipes in the back of novels? I don't know but I'm putting them in there just in case. Maybe it'll set my book apart from others of the genre.


I was inspired by one of my watercolor class pals to try my hand at painting birch trees again. I decided to use a smaller piece of paper so I only put one birch on the painting but I think it turned out okay. It isn't quite as pale as it looks on here. It's not my best work but I'm satisfied.

A male Cardinal stopped at the platform feeder this afternoon. He pecked around in the safflower seeds in the feeder and then swooped down to the patio to check the seed that had fallen under the round feeder. I do love their color but then red's my favorite color. It's easy to tell because I have a red car, red purse, red winter coat, six pairs of red shoes, some red tee shirts, and a couple pairs of red earrings. I even have a red wireless mouse that looks like a fox! And I just ate a red M&M. Yep, I like red.

Today I managed to make a Gratitude Journal page for today before tomorrow. Twice this week I've made the page for the previous day after breakfast but then I had late nights this week so I'm excusing myself.

Tonight I portioned out chocolate ice cream and I bought some dark chocolate M&Ms at the store the other day that I fully intend to pour out and count into individual servings so I don't eat them by the handful willy nilly. I'll do that tomorrow. After I mow the lawn. It's getting a little scraggly.

Once I got the recipes typed into Kindle Create, I filled out the Acknowledgement page, the Series page, the Other Books by the Author page, and the Author Bio page. Might as well get all that Back Matter taken care of while I'm thinking about it. I can refine and adjust it if need be before I upload it all for the final time. Once I had all that done I went back to reading the book. It's a good thing I'm doing it because I'm finding little places to tidy up or make clearer. I even spent a little time perusing the next manuscript in The Seaview Series which I will dive into when I'm done with Open for Business. That one has me scratching my head but I'll figure it out--with a little help from my friends.



Aunt Barb said...

Nice companion piece for your earlier birch picture. And great idea to add recipes at the end of your book. Thanks for the cute note card. I love it.

Laurie Dennis said...

Yes to the recipes! I will try to cook them!