Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Battle of the Bunnies

These two bunnies kept crossing the patio. The one on the right was the one chasing the other one most of the time. My favorite thing was when they were face to face and one would dash forward. The other one jumped straight up in the air to let the charging one pass under it. Very funny looking. Right after I took this picture the one on the left took off and the one on the right moseyed up to the fallen seed and got busy eating.

Only one Oriole sighting today. He came and sampled the jelly then left. After he left I went out and filled all the feeders which slowed down the bird visits for a while but within a couple hours the suet pellets were half gone and I could see that the seed in the round feeder was down a couple inches. Those little feathered Sparrows are pure gluttons.

I spent most of the day here at the laptop trying to get more words into the manuscript I'm hoping will turn into The Seaview3. I keep feeling if I read it just one more time inspiration will strike and I'll figure out how to proceed. Not so far. But I added a couple page scene at a snorkeling outing with Rose and the spies. One page at a time, I guess, is better than no progress at all. I don't need to hurry.

The watercolor bird today was a House Sparrow. We don't have those in North America, at least I don't think we do, so I just followed the directions and drew and painted what she said to draw and paint. I struggled to draw the bird small enough so that it all fit on the page and left room for the feeder alongside. I kind of managed it. One more bird to draw and paint tomorrow and then we move onto bugs and insects. That should be interesting.

And I even managed to draw a Gratitude Journal page today. I drew one for yesterday this morning too so in reality I did two today. We had a humdinger of a storm around 3am this morning so I drew storm clouds. I regretted coloring black around them as soon as I did it but you can't erase marker. 

MB, the cleaner came today and now my house looks and smells clean. She does such a good job and we have lovely chats while she's doing it. She was all excited when she saw the first copy of Open For Business on the desk but I haven't gotten the author copies yet so I had to tell her that she has to wait to buy one. It makes me feel great that she's so enthusiastic about my writing.

It was hot (88 degrees, feels like 97) today but there was a breeze that kind of made things better. I was glad to get back inside from filling the feeders. It's supposed to be at least 10 degrees cooler tomorrow. I'll be packing a hoodie for OJ's soccer game, just in case.

The other thing writer-y that I did today was listen to the 15 minute sample of the audiobook of Island Dreams. She read the first chapter and then voiced one of the other characters. It feels so momentous that it's just right. I listen and listen and hope for the best. The narrator does a good job and I can't wait to listen to the whole of The Seaview and then Island Dreams in July.

I attended the Wisconsin Writers Association Open Mic Zoom tonight. I didn't get to read. Only the first 10 who signed up got to read but there was a wide variety of genres and styles and it was a very enjoyable hour.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

A breeze makes the hot weather so much more bearable. Glad you had a bit of relief.