Friday, June 28, 2024

Such a Dreary Day

It was cool and overcast all day today. Never got sunny, never got over 70 degrees. It started raining about an hour ago but not a big rain, just rain with a little distant thunder.

Here's another one of Dad's roses. This one is beautiful all on its own, although if the three buds around it hurry up and bloom it'll be another bouquet.

My favorite Gratitude Journal page entry was getting to chauffeur OJ around this morning to a birthday party. If I'd been busy he wouldn't have been able to go but I wasn't busy and was willing to be his wheels. He's such a terrific kid but he didn't share his slice of chocolate birthday cake with his Meemaw. Oh well, I didn't really need chocolate cake. It smelled good, though.

Remember yesterday I said that I was nervous about drawing and painting a Monarch Butterfly? Well, I took my time this afternoon and didn't do such a bad job. The secret is to let the paint dry between steps and take my time with the black parts. At least that's what I'm telling myself. Although the longer I look at it the more I think that the body is wrong.

At Friday Night knitting tonight I knitted one round on the Monterey Sea Life hat but my iPad was running out of battery which I need to follow the directions, so I put it away and cast on another Beachy warshrag. I got halfway and even managed to add a couple decrease rows before time to quit and give my hands a little rest.

I got notified this afternoon that The Seaview audiobook is ready to be listened to for approval. So far I only have one correction and it's the pronunciation of my maiden name. I also realized that the manuscript I sent her didn't have the final changes I made on the Kindle Create version but I don't think I can send that one for her to read from. It's all right, the changes are mostly cosmetic and who besides me is going to read along with a paper book while listening?

With ferrying OJ around this morning, an afternoon Zoom, and an evening Zoom I didn't do much else today but I feel like I got a few things accomplished. I signed, stickered, and bookmarked the copies of Open For Business that came yesterday and put 3 copies in the car box with 3 copies of each of my other titles so now I'll have books if people want to buy one when I'm out and about.

OJ's new favorite book is an old Al Capp cartoon book about Schmoos. Remember those? They were in the comics when I was a kid and were very popular in the '50s. He's fascinated.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Your butterfly is outstanding!!! Worth a place on your gallery wall for sure. Nice to be able to spend time with O -- even if he didn't share his cake.