Thursday, June 13, 2024

Hummingbird Sighted!

This afternoon I got my wish and spotted a female Hummingbird at the nectar feeder and I got two pictures of her. I was so excited I was afraid that my enthusiasm would chase her away but it didn't. I can't get over how tiny she is. Here's one photo. I'm saving the other one for tomorrow night.

And the female Oriole visited the jelly dish a couple times today. She was a little less skittish today. The male stopped too but he didn't stay long enough for a photo op.

I spent the morning getting Open For Business uploaded to Kindle Direct Publishing and managed to fumble through the process and got it published to both eBook and paperback. The eBook is already available but it will take a day or two for the paperback to be available. I confess that I ordered the eBook right away and I'll order the paperback as soon as I can. I want the first copy of each!

Dad's rose is blooming like mad. I took four photos and am in a quandary over which one to share tonight. Maybe the big flower with the buds and opening buds. It's got the most bang for the buck. I'll save the others for the next few nights.

The next lesson in Ink & Wash was a blackbird. I kind of like it. It was easy to paint and it looks like a bird standing on a fence. Just like it's supposed to. It follows the logical progression over the last few days--nest, eggs, bird. Makes sense to me. Next I think there's a whole string of birds to paint. I'm looking forward to it.

I've been avoiding knitting the last couple days so I sat at the table this afternoon and evening to knit four rounds on the Monterey Sea Life beanie. I also tried it on and so far it feels like I'm doing okay not pulling the yarn too tight. I'll hate it if I do all of this work and then the darned hat won't fit.

This afternoon I went to visit the doc. See, I've got these itchy lesions on my hip and bottom and I was afraid I had mites from a new pair of shoes because the first lesions showed up on my feet the first day I wore my new Skechers. The doc thinks it's a reaction to the cream the dermatologist gave me for my face so he's given me steroids but to cover all the bases I have a tube of mite cream. I had to strip the bed and wash the sheets and the shoes just in case it is mites. I don't care which it is, some random lesions from the cream or mites, I just want the itching to stop. It's been so itchy it wakes me up at night. Evidently I can't have anything normal.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I feel for you with that maddening itch. I had two episodes like that on my hands after moving a plant on the lanai. Hopefully all your efforts will cure it quickly. I love your blackbird. All set for your next book but I'll wait to order it so you'll be first in line!