Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Avoiding Writing

Writing is the one thing that I feel like I want to do every day and yet I procrastinate. I don't clean, no, I'm not that desperate to avoid facing a blank page, but I do almost anything else. And yet I love to write. Well, let's just say that I love having written. This afternoon I did a little crafty procrastination. I cut up some more old watercolors, embossed them, and glued them onto cards. Now I have nine new notes for when I need to send a thank you note or just send a little hello to someone.

The Stella d'Oro lily that I saw all the buds on the other day burst forth in bloom today. Two flowers were back there representing their beauty. There was another flower on another plant too. And the yellow irises are still bravely blooming but the purple ones are over and done with. I took pictures of a yellow iris and some purple salvia but I must have deleted them by accident. Honestly, sometimes I seem to be on another planet half the time.


The male Cardinal came by again today. This time he didn't fool with the platform feeder, he went right down onto the edge of the patio where all of the millet seed is and pecked away. He even tolerated a Sparrow or two in "his" space.

Ooh, I got the final rendition of the cover of Open for Business this morning. I like it. I know that the back cover looks boring being blank but I'll put my author bio and blurb on there and it'll fill up the space and there won't be the distraction of a graphic under the print. I like it. A lot. I don't have the official final files yet but they won't change

On Mother's Day, I got one of those little pots with pellets of "soil" that you soak, then plant little seeds and have herbs. I soaked and planted right away and... nothing. Finally this morning, like, three weeks after planting, four little lavender seeds have deigned to sprout. I planted way more than four seeds so we'll see how many of them decide to sprout.

Once I had the cards glued and weighted down so they dried straight, I did come back here and worked on the next manuscript a bit. For a couple hours. Except for the 20 minutes when I dozed off, but a spam call woke me up, so I got back to work. I have to get a lot more Rose and Iggy into this story for it to be a Seaview Series story. I made a tiny start today. Whew.



Aunt Barb said...

I like that cover too. In fact, I want to go there for at least a weekend. But I'm stuck indoors instead. Soooo much rain down there. Still, it isn't a hurricane so I'm not complaining.

Anne T said...

What a great cover and kind of how I pictured Seaview.