Saturday, June 1, 2024

Watercolor Notes

I spent some time with a not-so-small-anymore person this afternoon and we cut up some of my old watercolors, embossed them, and made them into note cards. It was a lot of fun but we learned that we have to be very careful when we lift up the heavy book that we use to smush them down while the glue dries. If we aren't careful the artwork shifts on the card and glues itself askew. Therefore we had a couple oops-es and one abject failure. But mostly we had fun and got good results.

The male Oriole came back today a couple times. Hooray! The female came too but I didn't get her picture this time, I was busy making cards.

The only other thing I have to show for my day is my watercolor of a dandelion. I like it. A lot. It was surprisingly easy to paint and have it turn out. I was sure I'd screw it up but I didn't.

Today the digital issue of Creative Wisconsin Magazine came out and my short short story, Raccoon Sister, is in it. The magazine is through Wisconsin Writers Association so it isn't available for public consumption (at least I don't think it is) but it is emailed out to all of the WWA members for download. I'm very proud.



Aunt Barb said...

Your cards came out so nice. Really neat way you can send your personal artwork to friends and family (hint hint). Congrats on "Sister Racoon".

Aunt Barb said...

Oops. I meant Raccoon Sister.