Monday, June 3, 2024

Turned Out to be a Rainy Day

It was cloudy this morning but a big swath of rain moved in just after lunch and hung around most of the rest of the day. I went to lunch with the St. Agnes Class of '65 today and had a wrap and Tater Tots. I love tots and this monthly lunch is the only time I get them because if I made them at home I'd eat them until I was sick.

On my way home from lunch I stopped at Michaels and picked up a few basic frames that matched some I found downstairs that I could reuse. I sorted through my old watercolors and picked out five to frame and hang around the birches I framed yesterday. I got them hung up and I think they look pretty good. I keep being surprised that the big poster of coral reef isn't there anymore but I'll get used to the paintings pretty soon.

One of the House Finch females spent quite a bit of time on the grape jelly this morning. Good thing she did because all of the rain we've had will turn it into grape soup and none of the birds like that. Good thing that grape jelly isn't too expensive. I saw the female Oriole on the jelly too but she was gone before I could take her picture.

Last Friday I cast on the ribbing of a new, exciting, kinda scary knitting project. My friend KW sent me a link to this Monterey Sea Life Beanie pattern and I admired it and moved on because it's Fair Isle knitting, which means more than one color in a row, and I'm kinda afraid of it. But I couldn't stop thinking about it. I was thinking I'd try Fair Isle mittens but this beanie is only one thing (mittens are two things) and the designer had a kit that included the pattern and yarn so I went for it. So far I've only knitted a few rounds of ribbing but pretty soon I'll get to the hard part. Wish me luck.

Today's Gratitude Journal was another easy one. I enjoyed lunch. Another classmate came and there were Tots. I worked on the manuscript, hung my paintings, and did 4 loads of laundry. As of this moment all of my clothes are clean except the ones I'm standing in the middle of. Now they're not folded or even all out of the dryer but at least they're clean, dry, and ready to be dealt with. Eventually.

I finished the latest read-through of The Seaview: Open for Business this evening and I'm certain that I'm done. Finished. Finito. I emailed GetCovers to start the ticket to have a cover made and should hear from them in the next day or two. Then I'll polish up my blurb and I think I'll be set. Exciting! And a bit scary.

I got a phone call from an old neighbor, MK, who asked about watercolor class at The Clearing. She's interested in taking class from KA, whose class I just finished, so I told her about the September class that KA also teaches. She said that she has a conflict with those dates and is looking at taking next May's class. That means we'll be in the same class! Won't that be fun? I hope it works out.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Your gallery wall is BEAUTIFUL!! I'm so glad you did that 👏. That beanie looks challenging but I know you can do it. You've got all summer to make it happen