Monday, June 24, 2024

It Didn't Rain

For the second day in a row, it didn't rain. It was a lovely day with a few puffy clouds in a blue sky. It was warm, not hot, with a bit of a breeze. Ahhh.

It didn't rain on OJ's soccer game either. They don't officially keep score but OJ's team won. I'm having a great time sitting on the sidelines watching the scrum of little boys chase the ball and cheering for our boy and his team.

I managed to catch the male Oriole on the grape jelly this morning. He was beak-deep in the jelly when I snapped the picture. I thought about going out to fill all of the rest of the feeders but I only cleaned out the birdbath. That was enough for today. I'll fill the feeders tomorrow.

It crossed my mind to take more closeup pix of a few of the flowers blooming in the backyard. First I tried to get an artsy shot of a fern from the top but I couldn't make it focus on the center instead of the fronds close to the lens.

I had better luck with the orange day lily that's blooming outside the kitchen window.

And last but not least is this Stella d'Oro lily. They're so bright and cheerful.

Today's bird was a pigeon. Does this look like a pigeon to you? It doesn't look like a North American pigeon to me because it's not chubby enough. Maybe Danish pigeons are more svelte.

The fridge fixit guy showed up right on time this morning and it didn't take him long to diagnose the problem. As I suspected the drain hose was clogged. Actually it was frozen shut and he had a very ingenious solution. Once he had used his little steamer to clear the ice he cut a length of copper wire that he looped around the heating coil and then threaded it down the drain hose so that when the coil heats up, the copper wire heats up and prevents it from freezing shut again. Hallelujah! And it didn't cost an arm and a leg either. Naturally I had to empty the freezer for him to work on it and I found some very interesting and very old items that immediately went into the trash. How does stuff get lost in such a small space? I mean, I can see much of the walls and the floor of the freezer so I should be able to keep track of what's in there, right? Evidently not.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That wide lens shot for the soccor field says it all about what a perfect day you were having. Yay that the freezer is back in business for not a lot of $$. Finished my library book last night so on to "Open For Business."