Friday, June 21, 2024

Darned Rain

I looked out the guest room window and saw that the orange day lilies on the side of the yard are blooming. Naturally I wanted to go out and take their picture but it was raining. Again. So I had to try to take a picture out the window. It's not a very sharp picture but you can see the flowers and that's what I wanted.

The other picture that didn't go exactly as planned was this one of the male Oriole. He was sitting on the jelly dish while I was doing yoga this morning and I grabbed the camera in mid-pose to snap a photo. Just as I pressed the shutter he flew away so what I got was this orange and black blur next to the feeder. I kind of like it.

Today's bird painting is a Cardinal on a nest. This is another bird that the author says she's never seen but managed to paint a pretty good likeness. I did okay.

At Friday Night Knitting I knitted a few rounds on the Monterey Sea Life hat and then downshifted to the Beachy Dishcloth which I finished. There is enough of this pink and yellow yarn left to knit another one so I'll cast it on one of these days. I like to have a dishcloth on the needles for mindless knitting.

And that's it for today. I didn't have time (or make time) to draw a Gratitude Journal page for a second day in a row. Maybe I'll sit down in the morning and do one for today, if I remember what to be thankful for.

cda talked me through her critiques of the pages I sent her the other day. Lots of run-on sentences that need shortening. It's been a long time since I submitted a first draft for critique. It was humbling.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I like the picture of the flying oriole too. And the cardinal as well. I can't imagine not ever seeing a bluejay or a cardinal. Two of the best birds of all.