Thursday, June 20, 2024

Bunny vs. Squirrel

There was a standoff on the patio this afternoon once the rain stopped. The Sparrows had been diligently tossing out millet seed from the round feeder and the ground underneath was pretty well covered. There was a squirrel there eating and a couple bunnies came up and stopped to stare at the squirrel. It paid no attention, just kept eating.

All of a sudden the bunny in the front lunged at the squirrel and the squirrel lunged back. You can see by the photograph who won that standoff. 

We had drizzly rain almost all day. It finally slacked off late in the afternoon so I could run a couple errands and not get wet. I had enough getting wet at yesterday's soccer game. I'll get wet again in the shower tomorrow. It cooled off today too. The high was 70 degrees and that didn't show up until about 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

Today's bird was a Bluejay. The book's author admitted that she had never seen one but thought they looked beautiful so she included it. I was surprised that I managed to make it look like a Bluejay is supposed to look. I like the branch with the little flowers on it too.

Tonight was knit night with my three friends from the now-defunct knitting guild Board. I took my Monterey Sea Life hat along but didn't knit on it because there was no place to put my iPad so I could keep track of the chart. Instead I knitted on the Beachy Dishcloth. I got to the middle, remembered to knit three rows even, and then started knitting the decreases. It'll be easier to knit on the hat tomorrow night on the knitting zoom when I can prop my tablet up on the computer desk and follow along.

I spent quite a bit of the day working on the manuscript. I managed to eke out a piece of the story with Rose and Iggy tucked between the spies parts. Maybe I'll write separate chapters and weave the story together that way. I'm in a quandary about the whole thing. Maybe if I keep writing something will occur to me and I'll be able to see my way through. Fingers crossed.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Not surprised the squirrel won the standoff. They seem so much more aggressive than a timid little bunny. I remember when they got into our house in Wilmington. Even Paul was halfway afraid of one of them! I had to chase it out the door with a broom. Glad it cooled off for you. The weather is insane this year!