Saturday, June 29, 2024

And the Sun Was Back

Even if I don't go outside much during the day I still enjoy a sunny day. I went out after supper to take pictures of a few lilies and got some good shots.  The orange day lilies outside the kitchen window are blooming nicely. I love the look of the lilies surrounded by fern fronds.

The Stella d'Oro lilies are still going crazy. I thought I'd zoom in on one flower so that we could all enjoy its perfect shape and color. I really like it even though it isn't red. Yellow is one of my second favorite colors.

I spent all afternoon listening to the first 13 chapters of The Seaview audiobook. Most of the notes are about pronunciation fails so I spent a lot of time working out how to write them phonetically since I won't be talking directly to the producer, I'll be sending her a page of notes. It can be challenging but of the 13 chapters I've listened to so far 4 of them have no notes. I think that's an amazing feat of precision.

Today's insect in Ink & Wash is a Holly Blue Butterfly. I've never heard of them or seen them but it was easy to draw and paint. I'm not sure I'm on board with the outlined but not painted daisy that it's perched on but I'm nothing if not a directions follower. But I confess that I was sorely tempted to color in the flower, stem, and leaf when I put it on my Gratitude Journal page.

And the last item on today's Gratitude Journal page was rerunning the dishwasher because when I opened it this morning to unload it I realized that I ran it yesterday without soap in it. There was no way I could convince myself that running a cycle with nothing but hot water was good enough. So I ran it again, this time with detergent, and checked carefully as I unloaded it that the dishes were actually clean. I can't believe I did that. *head, slap*

Oh, I watched the last episode of Season 3 of Bridgerton Thursday night. I'm going to have to watch it again because I feel like I didn't catch all the nuances the first time. I also signed on to Disney+ which has recently been added on to my cable package. I get the feeling that they've included it to assuage some of the angst over the cost of cable. 'Tain't cheap.

I'm listening to The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes. It's a story about the pack-horse library in rural Kentucky funded by the WPA and run by women. It's a good story; you should check it out.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I'll have to check out "The Giver of Stars" when I finish "Open For Business." Thank goodness for the library.