Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Who Are You Calling A Turkey?

I looked out this morning and was surprised to see that the hen Turkey was back. This time she leap/flew up to the top of the retaining wall and investigated the cob corn. Of course, today all that was left were cobs but she stayed long enough for a picture. I wonder where she comes from and where she goes because she comes from the front yard and then goes around the fence into the parking lot behind my house.

I was amazed to get this picture of a Goldfinch. You can see how much of his feathers have turned to the bright yellow of his breeding plumage. Even though there has been frost on the roofs and the birdbath has been icy the last few mornings the Goldfinches are telling me that spring must surely be here.

Today's slow cooker recipe was Chicken Cacciatore. It smelled so good cooking all day.

While that was crockpotting away I got the Curried Chickpeas cooked up and packaged up for the freezer. That smelled good too but the aromas together were a little confusing, not bad just odd.

I spent most of the afternoon head down at the laptop researching categories for Better Than Mom's and then making a category ad for each one. We're supposed to make 5-10 category ads for each book. I made 8, that's between 5 and 10 so I'm good. One book done, two to go. But next I want to try my hand at rewriting my book blurbs to make them more appealing. That's my task for tomorrow, I think. (In between cooking a couple recipes, that is. Having this ad challenge going on and Investment Cooking at the same time is making me a little crazy.)

I managed to pull out my sketchbook and drew a few butterflies from my new drawing book which is full of things with wings to draw. My brain is so befuddled with ad making and trying to understand what he's talking about half the time. I'm glad this challenge is free, I'd be a basket case if I'd have had to pay for this intensive week of learning. It's been too long since I've learned something new!

Last night when I turned on the bathroom light switch it sizzled and the light went on and then off. Not good. So I called my electrician friend TD today and he stopped over on his way home from work to put in a new light switch. What a relief! I had visions of little fires starting in the wall every time I touched the switch. Thanks, TD!

I have to get up early tomorrow because I have a 9 o'clock appointment to get my right turn signal fixed. It started fast blinking the other day and I know that means that one of the bulbs burned out. It's always something. But I guess it's an easy and quick fix. Whew.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

The turkey and the goldfinch are quite a contrast today. One representing Thanksgiving - Autumn; the other representing Spring. I'll take Spring any time.