Sunday, April 2, 2023

I Stayed In Today

It started out sunny but then it turned gray and windy. Yuk. Most of the time I wasn't at all sure what day it was but that didn't really matter. Most of my days are the same anyway but I checked the calendar, found that it's Sunday, and decided to tackle that darned manuscript that's giving me fits. I decided today that I should change the Point Of View from 3rd person to 1st person. That is a tedious and nit-picky chore that involves reading every single line of a manuscript and changing all of the pronouns. Big job. In 3rd person my POVs bounced all over from character to character. In 1st person I need to keep Rose as the eyes of the story. That's cutting out a lot of what I've written so far, everything that Rose isn't witness to, so I'll have a lot more story to make up. *sigh* It already feels better though.

This Cardinal does not share well. He spent most of his visit repelling House Finches that tried to join him in the feeder. Once he had the area cleared he settled down to pecking and picking through the seeds. As soon as he left a trio of House Finches flew up and happily coexisted with the female Cardinal. She shares.

It was not a great painting day. I turned to the next flower in Watercolor Flowers Made Easy. It's Bluebells and these are some of the saddest bluebells I've ever seen. Maybe I should have drawn the flowers in pencil first or something but I don't think they're even up to my usual mediocre standard.

Drawing was a little better. These little marchers are from Seuss-isms and they embody the exhortation to Be Proud of Who You Are! I'm trying.

I don't know why but I could eat anything and everything today. Maybe it's the weather, maybe it's the season, I wish I could figure out what makes me have the munchies like this. Bah. Maybe I'll go get an apple. Or a clementine.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

You have set yourself a difficult job -- changing the POV for your entire manuscript. What about changing the POV for everything that happens -- first from Rose and then from Iggy. Maybe chapter by chapter. But what do I know. I'm a better critic than a writer. I know you'll figure it out.