Wednesday, April 12, 2023

There Might Be Pie In My Future

I went out this afternoon to swamp out the disgusting birdbath which was full of algae, rotting leaves, and peanut shells, and discovered that the rhubarb is coming up. I see a pie in my future or maybe some sort of rhubarb crisp. Yum.

The daffodils burst open overnight and look like a bouquet of sunshine out there in front of the mailbox. I had to hunker down and take a few shots to get this picture of them head on. It was summer today. This afternoon the temperature topped out at 86 degrees. Eighty-six! I can't believe it. I do think that I'm going to sleep with the windows open tonight. But it's only supposed to get to 50 degrees on Sunday. This yo-yo weather is going to kill us. Oh, and rain on Saturday and Sunday too. Yippee.

Next in Watercolor Flowers the Easy Way was the Bottlebrush. It didn't fill me with confidence but I tried. First I used the size brush she recommended but mine didn't make a nice point so my stems are too thick but it made good leaves. I shifted to a much smaller, pointier brush for the flower parts which worked much better. It kind of looks like the picture.

The next creature in Dr. Seuss's Book of Animals was this thing with big teeth. It's kind of spotted but I don't think that it's any recognizable critter from real life. I like it though, and I like the kid reaching up to touch a tooth. 

Bird activity ramped up with a cleaner birdbath and I snapped this picture of a pink House Finch and a boring brown Sparrow playing nice on the tube feeder. They took over from the Starling that spent its time on the feeder shoveling seed out onto the ground. I saw a pair of Sparrows bathing but wasn't fast enough to get a picture.

I spent most of the afternoon futzing around with the manuscript. I rearranged scenes, broke some out into separate documents so I can find them to put them in better order, and thought about what scenes I need to write. Changing the POV was the right thing to do.

Tomorrow I'm going to meet friends at The Clearing for a few days of writing retreat so I won't be back to the blog until Sunday night. I might post some pictures on Facebook but I also might not. Don't hold your breath. See you on Sunday!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Thanks for the bouquet of daffodils. Can't believe that high temp that must have come out of nowhere. But glad it happened. Have fun at The Clearing.