Friday, April 7, 2023


I've been thinking about Easter baskets and realized that what the Easter Bunny has for LC and OJ won't fit in the old baskets downstairs and I'll be delivering the Easter baskets on Sunday in a less than convenient place. What to do? I had a brainstorm. I'd sew up a pair of bento bags that the kids can use for all kinds of things that need carrying and I won't need to bring them back home. I was lucky enough to have some cotton fabric downstairs in bright pink and red so I didn't need to buy any more fabric. I even had an old pattern piece cut out and saved from the last time I made bento bags I-don't-know-how-many years ago so all I needed to print out were the directions. Easy peasy. I made one bag before my writing zoom and one afterwards.

Then I loaded them up, tied them closed, and I'm all ready for my Easter delivery duties.

I looked out at the backyard this morning and noticed that the grass on the hill below the retaining wall is turning green. Already. Another sure sign that this hasn't been a really cold winter was the ease with which I uprooted one of the crooks that was leaning over and pushed it back in a different place. The ground isn't frozen. That's not normal.

I tried my hand at another one of last spring's watercolors. This one didn't turn out any better than yesterday's attempt. I think tomorrow I'll go back to the Daily Practice paintings; I do better at them lately.

Pecking around in the fallen seed were two of these little striped Song Sparrows. I haven't seen them since last Spring so they must be returning from their winter range. They're tiny and cute. Too bad I didn't hear their song.

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I finished the hand of the second Marl Mitten and got about halfway through the thumb. I'll finish it tomorrow. Then it'll be all Rainbow Brioche Beanie all the time for nine more inches of straight knitting around and around before the crown decreases. It'll be a long knit because I need to concentrate.

I spent a few hours this morning working to excise out the Rose segments of The Seaview 2 and put them into a separate document. I'm about 150 pages into it and have about 70 more to go. Today I had to skip over one of my favorite scenes because Rose doesn't see it. *sigh* Writing is hard.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

What a clever Mee-Maw you are -- to think of -- and then make -- the cute Bento Bags. I never knew that's what those are called but they're perfect for a more "grown-up" Easter basket!

Love seeing that green in your backyard.!