Friday, April 21, 2023

Scrambled Brains

I'm just not getting the Amazon Ads Challenge very well. Today I was supposed to find 100 keywords for one of my novels and make a keyword ad with them. I found/figured out 31. Keywords are words or phrases that a person might put into the Amazon search bar when they're looking for something to read. The idea is to position your book(s) so that the covers pop up when someone searches for something similar. I had enough trouble with finding categories yesterday and keywords were harder to find. I'm going over to JB's tomorrow morning (she's doing the challenge too) and we're going to see if putting 2 heads together helps. Wish me luck.

That big Mourning Dove was in the platform feeder again today only this time it managed to spill or eat almost all of the seeds in there. When I went out to fill feeders this afternoon there wasn't hardly anything in there, not even much chaff.

The perennials up on the retaining wall are sure sprouting. It didn't hurt that we had a couple 80 degree days last week, I'm sure. I've got a call into the landscaper to come and fill in a couple gaps where there were raspberries that gave up the ghost in one spot and I'm not sure what didn't come up in the other. I'm happy to see a nice row of green.

The rhubarb is really growing. I wonder how tall it has to get before I can cut it and cook it and eat it.

I flipped open Sketching this afternoon and found a page with cups of coffee on it so that's what I drew. To be honest I spent most of the day glued to the laptop trying my darnedest to figure out keywords so drawing was a quick thing today.

I almost didn't pull out my paints today. I wasn't too enthusiastic about the next Daily Practice but I started to feel guilty and I had a little time between supper and my knitting Zoom so out came the paints and I booted up the next video. I was expecting to paint a face but instead she had us paint a block of different colored circles, add different colored hair, and then draw the faces on in archival ink. It's obvious I didn't wait until all of the paint circles were completely dry because some of the hair paint bled into the face paint but I don't hate it. 

And I added on a bunch of rounds on the Rainbow Brioche Beanie tonight at Friday Night Knitting. Get used to seeing this rectangle of striped knitting because I'm usually slow and in this stitch I'm even slower.

I took a walk around the block again today and again today I made it less than halfway around before I was puffing like an old steam engine. I'm determined to keep going. I hate it but I'm too stubborn to quit.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That is one hungry and fat-looking bird. Lots of green today -- the row along the retaining wall and especially the rhubarb. How about this for meeting your Ad Challenge: "If you liked the TV show "Alice", you'll love "Better Than Moms." And then for "Seaview" or "Horizons" - "Every widow's dream come true." I know you've probably already thought of those but that's what came to my mind.