Monday, December 12, 2022

Well, I Just Didn't Want To

Draw today. That's what I didn't do. I made a small gratitude journal page but didn't really feel like drawing. So I didn't.

A couple Sparrows came to the feeder today but they didn't stay long.

But this Downy Woodpecker stayed for much longer than I expected. I thought I had a clearer picture but this is what I got. He stayed and pecked and ignored the swooping and flapping Sparrows that swirled around him.

I went down to visit DS at Zambaldi this morning. He was supposed to be brewing but discovered that he was short half a bag of chocolate malt so he ended up kegging the new hazy IPA he's calling Don't Haze Me Because I'm Beautiful. I get a kick out of his beer names.


Instead of drawing I sat down and wrote for an hour. Got a little over 1000 words on the page. It wasn't too bad.

I got to spend some time with LC this afternoon. She and I worked on a comic book that she wants to write and illustrate. We don't have a clear story to go with our characters and setting but we're not in a hurry. We figure we'll be done sometime next year.

I knitted more on the Limited Edition Wingspan tonight but didn't take a picture because my progress is probably only visible to me. I'll be done with this triangle long before Friday Night Knitting.


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