Friday, December 16, 2022

I Saw A Shadow!

I looked out the patio door this afternoon and saw the shadow of the house on the snow! That meant that the clouds had thinned enough that the sun could shine through. It didn't last long but it was the first sun sighting in over a week. It was great to see it.

The first bird I saw today was this female House Finch perched on the side of the feeder. It threw some seed down on the snowy ground under the feeder and a lone Mourning Dove showed up to peck through it.

I was happy to see that the next bird in Draw Like an Artist was a Cedar Waxwing with its back to the viewer so that there was only one partial foot that needed drawing.

Then I drew this bird-like creature out of Seuss-isms and it occurred to me that Dr. Seuss might have had the same bad luck that I have drawing bird feet because all of his birds have people-like feet. Made me feel a whole lot better.

DD called last night and we talked about food for when they're visiting and I realized that I don't have "food" in the house, I have "meals." That meant that I had a nice long list when I went to the grocery late this afternoon and a nice big bill at the checkout. I don't mind, it'll be worth every penny to spend time with my beloved daughter and her family. I haven't seen her husband or son since Christmas 2019. Good grief!


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That total at the end of grocery shopping can be startling. I was hungry when I went to Costco this week and that's not the time to be in that place. Everything looked so tempting. The total when I checked out was scary but I won't have to go to the grocery for a month!