Saturday, December 17, 2022

A Squirrel and A Bird

There were snow flurries most of today. The temperature stayed in the mid-20s all day and the sun never shone. *sigh* You can see the flakes falling in this picture of the squirrel perched on top of the cob corn crook. It sat up there for the longest time, reaching down for a kernel, and then settling back on top to nibble on it.

When I looked out next there were a bunch of Sparrows on the feeder and on the ground beneath the feeder. By the time I got the camera up, this little one at the birdbath was the only one left. You can see how cold it has been by the iceberg in the birdbath. The little heater under the white rock tries its best but it can't keep all of the water from freezing.

On the next page in Sketching he talked about drawing things around you so I drew/sketched the snow shovel that I should have been using to skim the snow off the driveway but didn't. Then I copied his drawing of an "abominable" snowman, and finally I drew my mug of hot chocolate. It was solely medicinal, that hot chocolate, my fingers were cold. (yeah, right)

This is the rest of the page in Seuss-isms that I started drawing yesterday. I was surprised at how I managed to draw the airplane/helicopter contraption that the boy is piloting as he hunts for eggs. The hardest part was drawing the swirls that make it look like rotors spinning over it.

And I'm nearing the finish line on Limited Edition Wingspan triangle number 4. I thought maybe I'd get it finished tonight but I didn't manage it. Maybe tomorrow, then I'll be halfway. I think I'm going to cast on a toe cap just for something different to knit on for a little bit.

LC complained the other day about the "improved" Alexa music playing and today I understand her frustration. When I asked Alexa to play a certain artist's Christmas music, it said it would play that and similar music. I put up with it for a few songs and then I told her to stop. When I ask for certain music that's what I want, not some random artists that I have no interest in. There has to be a way to ask her to play only the music that you want. Maybe on Amazon Music on my phone... I'll try it.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Love talking with you yesterday. Wish we lived closer so we could be together over the Holidays. Have fun with all your kids there.