Thursday, December 1, 2022

Oh, Man, It's Late

I'm usually in bed by now but tonight the knitters were here and we had lots to talk about, lots of knitting that needed doing, and lots of yummy things that needed eating. I am sorry to say that I didn't take a picture of the table before we took our little plates and filled them (more than once). CS brought three delicious dips with veggies to dip in them, DM brought a pan of snipped up Grands biscuits drizzled with melted butter and sprinkled with bleu cheese that we baked, and KE brought some wonton wrappers brushed with olive oil then sprinkled with salt, pepper, Parm, and parsley that we baked. I, of course, had the WW cheesecake but I also put out a plate of cheese and crackers just in case we needed MORE CHEESE. Turns out Zambaldi beer goes with cheesecake just fine if you drink first and eat later.

I finished the toe cap I was working on and then knitted a few rows on the Limited Edition Wingspan. Knitting with fingering (sock) yarn and size 4 needles makes for slow going but I'm persevering.

Next in Draw Like an Artist was a Weaverbird. I didn't remember seeing one up close before just in the distance in a National Geographic show but I guess this is what they look like. The foot turned out a little better.

In 10-Steps:Nature the next figure was a Dolphin. I was kind of surprised at how easy it was to draw the snout and head. I like the way the splash of water that it's leaping out of looks.

The only bird I saw today was this Downy Woodpecker at the suet cakes. No big flock of Starlings today.


The fourth Christmas cactus flower is unfurling! I've only ever had one
bloom a year for the last three or four years so four is just amazing. I wonder what, if anything, I did different this year.

I was a good little housekeeper today and cleaned the bathroom, mopped the floors, and ran the vacuum. Now if it would only stay that way for more than a couple days.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Sounds like a great night. No wonder you were up late.