Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Not Sunny

Because it was overcast it was also warmer, all the way up to 21 degrees, but I missed the sunshine. I feel much happier when it's sunny.

This squirrel played king of the crook for quite a while this afternoon. It leaped from the birdbath to the suet cakes feeder, then to the top of the crook where it stretched across for a nut. Then it would balance on top of the crook shelling and eating its peanut while other squirrels prowled below. The king squirrel would glare down at the others and kind of grunt growl at them to keep them at bay. It worked until the squirrel lost its balance and hit the ground, landing on its paws, and then was chased away by another squirrel. It was quite entertaining.

This Sparrow wasn't nearly as entertaining. It just sat there, all puffed up, picking through the seed in the feeder and tossing what it didn't want down to the snow. No other birds came to join it today.

The next bird in Draw Like an Artist was a Finch. It didn't say what kind of Finch it was but it kind of has Goldfinch markings. Again the bird's back was to the front so I didn't have to draw all of the feet. Whew.

In Drawing Cute I found a Platypus and a Dragon on the next page. I know that Platypus's aren't purple but that's the color she made it in the book so that's what I went with. I like the Dragon's coloring and it's little flame breath makes me smile.

Tonight's sunset wasn't quite as bright as last night's or maybe I was too late but I can tell that it's staying light a tiny bit longer every day, thank heavens.

I think I've got a cold. I woke up with a sore throat this morning, I'm sneezing, and my nose has been extra runny. I took a COVID test that turned up negative so I'm confident that it isn't that. I'm gobbling up Zycam and Halls honey lemon cough drops hoping to stave off the worst of it or at least shorten it. This is the first cold I've had since before March 2020, so almost 3 years without one, which proves that masks are good for something.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That squirrel does look formidable. No wonder the other ones were kept away. Hope you can keep a cold away too.