Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hazy Sunshine

I like it; it seems spring-y to me.

Have you got your critique ready for tomorrow night? I've got mine done and my submission. I mentioned it to Jennifer week before last, but didn't get a chance to say it to Jenny, I'd like to have Personal Project night next week if that's okay with you. I'd like to sit and write in the company of other writers to draw on the energy we generate as a group.

March 4--Eugenio Lucas y Padilla, The Bullfight. Blood on the sand. Blood of horses. Blood of the bull. Blood of men. This is a sport? It looks like barbarity confinced to an arena to me. When did carnage become a spectator sport? I know all about "nature red in tooth and claw" and I understand it, but this is not nature. This is hideous and barbaric--and entertainment evidently. I abhor it.

Not much, but it's writing and it's done. Keep smiling and keep scribbling.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I showed this picture to some of my co-worker. The gored horses surprised me, and it looked like the bull fight must have been a double-header or two ring circus.

Stow, OH