Saturday, March 1, 2025


For the first time since January 18th I sold a book at the Market on Military today. I can't tell you what a change that made in my attitude. Those two February dates with no sales, not even one, were a real downer. But not today! I hurried home after the market, gobbled down some lunch, and went across town to a Book Fair at The Art Garage that my friend, GBB, was at. She said she sold a lot of books today and I think I might sign up for that Book Fair next November. I am not doing the Market next winter. It's too expensive for the return on investment. There's another author event tomorrow in DePere that I might drive down and visit just to see the lay of the land. Lots of book events all of a sudden.


There was a big bunch of Mourning Doves and a few Sparrows in the spilled seed and cracked corn under the round feeder this morning. You can see how early it was by the angle of the sunlight.


And just before I left for the Market I managed to catch a picture of a Chickadee on the round feeder. It's very rare that they sit still long enough for me to snap a shot but today it did so I did too.


I sat down after supper and drew a gratitude page. I was so happy and grateful to sell a book that I almost made it the only thing on the page but then I thought that would be silly. I watched a marketing webinar yesterday and got the idea to order some tropical keychains to give away when people buy one of my island books. I also found some little food ones for the diner book and some frames to put a piece of a watercolor in for the watercolor artist book. I don't know if the little extras will encourage people to buy a book but it's not too much money and worth a try.


Also after supper I got out my watercolors, taped two sheets onto a plexiglass board, and played with paint. I'm replaying a Beginner class from Creativebug just to keep my brushes busy. It's fun and easy and I'll keep painting so that when my watercolor class at The Clearing in May rolls around I won't be the absolute worst in class, just almost the worst.


Two of us got to the Market on Military an hour early today because a TV crew was supposed to be there to do some short features. Well, they did segments at 6:15 and 6:45 and then got called away to a breaking story. Very frustrating for the market organizers and a bummer for those of us who could have slept an hour longer. And I wore my book-shaped earrings too. Oh well. I guess I'm not destined for fame.




1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

A good day!! And finding more places to market your books sounds great.