Wednesday, January 15, 2025

More Writer-y Stuff

I'm still chasing after the reason that Horizon's font size got changed. I got a couple emails from people in the KDP community with some useful suggestions. I also got an email from KDP asking for information so I have that avenue open. It came clear to me that I need to change the manuscript to a PDF and then upload it to KDP so that the font won't be able to be changed. When I pulled up the manuscript my ProWritingAid program kicked in and advised me that I needed to fix all of the spaces after sentences from two to one. Do you know how many sentences are in 325 pages? A lot. A real lot. I got through 108 pages today. I won't do that many tomorrow because my mouse hand would probably fall off or seize up. Anyway, here's what I mostly looked at today--a laptop screen with a manuscript page on it. Riveting.

The birdbath glacier is still going strong. I sneak out there every morning as soon as I get up to top it up so the heater doesn't burn out. There's just a little pond of open water around the heater but it's supposed to warm up into the 30s the next couple days so maybe that will change, until temperatures plummet again over the weekend. It IS winter. I have to keep telling myself that.

I took a break in the middle of the afternoon to draw this picture of a Seussian butterfly. It's on the title page of Dr. Seuss's Book of Animals. I was going to page through to find something to draw but the butterfly caught my eye and I went for it. It's pretty small but I like the way it turned out.

The other thing I did this afternoon as a break from redoing Horizon was fill my refillable Keurig pods. I ordered more of them a couple weeks ago so now I have 11 of them so I'm not refilling them twice a week. I have tiny little coffee filters that fit in the pods so all I throw away are coffee grounds and the filter, not one of those little plastic cups every day. It's less of a pain to fill them now that I have more.

I tried starting a hat tonight with some alpaca yarn that Ravelry says is super bulky but I cast on the required number of stitches, knitted a couple rounds, and it looked like a hat for a baby or maybe a toddler. Not what I was going for. Obviously the yarn is mismarked. So I pulled out the needles and went downstairs to troll through the yarn bins for a super bulky yarn. I found a couple kinds, brought them upstairs, and cast on with some Lion Brand Thick & Quick. This will not be a soft or fancy heirloom hat but it'll be warm for someone. Maybe over the weekend I'll wind up some more alpaca skeins so I'm ready when this hat is finished.

And that's it. I slept late today and spent a lot of the morning in my pajamas working on Horizon. I'm determined to get it fixed up and republished so that it's right. Take that, Amazon.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

You are clever using those refillable Keurig cups. But then you're clever about many things. Smart girl 👧!