Tuesday, December 3, 2024

The Simplest Solution

Last night's adventure with the Amazon Customer Service people taught me one thing--the simplest thing is often the solution. I solved my Kindle problem this morning when I clicked on the information about the new Kindle Fire and discovered that its email address is different than the email address I was trying to send my manuscript to. I wonder why none of the techs I spoke with or chatted with thought to ask about the email address. The old email address worked before because I hadn't de-registered a trio of old Kindles that no longer worked. Last week I weeded out the old, recycled Kindles on my account so the old email address didn't work anymore. Once I used the new email address the manuscript document showed up. So I spent an hour this afternoon reading the manuscript and making notes on what needs changing. Progress was made.

The Sparrows discovered that I filled the feeders. They also discovered that I used a different birdseed. At first they were a bit flighty about it but eventually they found the sunflower seeds in the mix and made inroads. The squirrels like the cracked corn that the Sparrows toss to the ground.

Speaking of squirrels, this one had a lovely time hanging upside down on the suet cakes feeder nibbling away.

And at one time there were five squirrels at the feeders--one on the cob corn, one below the cob corn, one on the suet nuggets, one on the suet cakes, and one on the ground scarfing up the cracked corn. I could only get these two in the frame. P.S. I just noticed a third squirrel on the ground right where the grass meets the retaining wall.

Alexa let me know that I had a couple shipments arrive this afternoon and it was the rest of my author copies order in two boxes. Part of it arrived yesterday, two copies of Horizon in a box with a Christmas present. I don't understand why they split the shipments like that. But I'm happy to say that the copies of Open For Business have the correct title on the spine. Oh, and without consulting me, Amazon made the print smaller in Horizon so now the book is thinner. People like the bigger print. They comment on it.

Today's drawing is called Kanga the Kid, even though a little kangaroo is called a joey. It was fun to draw and I was amazed at the difference the shading made to make it seem almost 3-D.

Tonight at Writer's Guild we had a Christmas book exchange. We each brought a wrapped book without an identifying name on the outside of the paper. The books were passed out and then they played music for a minute and we passed the books from hand to hand until the music stopped. We got to keep the book we had (unless it was the one we brought). I got this one. I haven't heard of it but I look forward to delving into it.

Tomorrow the furnace tuneup guy is coming. I thought at first I wouldn't need him to come since I had that service call last week but the filter didn't get changed and the humidifier isn't turned on so I guess I need him after all. Good thing I belong to the Comfort Club so the tuneups are included, I just have to pay for the filters. Whew.

And I read somewhere that it's supposed to snow tomorrow. I hope they're wrong although LC and OJ and their parents want snow to ski on so part of me thinks okay we can have snow for them.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

See?? It was almost like the computer healed itself! Simple solution for sure. Let me know if you're enlightened after you read that book.