I am not accustomed to the sedentary life, to having to entertain myself with whatever I can reach from a seated position but I'm managing. It helps to have willing emissaries I can send to the library or the store so that my supply of audiobooks, yarn, etc., and food doesn't dwindle. Yesterday MW picked up my reserved book on CD at the Southwest Library, Durwood went to Festival for yummy grub, and friend JM called for a nice long chat. But what am I doing you might ask yourself. Well, I'll show you.
First I finished the Chinchilla Barley hat to remove any impediments to Hamish making an on time or even early appearance (although his due date's really too close for an early arrival). This completes the ensemble of Hello, Hamish cardi with owl buttons, the Yoda Hamish hat, and the Chinchilla Barley hat for dressier occasions. I like 'em. Hope he does too--and hurries up about it. Anytime, Hamish. I'm sure the doc has his catcher's mitt ready. I'm not going to show you playing an audiobook on the Kindle or iPod, or listening to a podcast either. Those things are way too cerebral to be photographed, but I can show you that I did about half of the chair yoga practice this morning, enough to learn that I can't really do it on the couch. So tomorrow morning a pillow (for my cast), my Kindle, and I will be setting up shop in the dinette so I can sit on a kitchen chair and have room to swing my arms and stretch my leg muscles. (Don't worry, I'll be careful) Yesterday afternoon, while transferring a book from CDs to the laptop so I could fong it onto the iPod, I was bored. I'd finished a book, didn't want to knit, didn't turn on the TV (I rarely do), hadn't downloaded any podcasts lately that I wanted to listen to, so I worked the first puzzle in the crosspuzzle book that DD & Co. sent and the Friday daily puzzle. (crosspuzzle is what DD called them when she was little and I think it's apt because many times a tricky part makes a person cross--who me?) While the CDs were uploading into iTunes, I knit on Sudoku Violet #8. Didn't finish but I'm on the downhill side so that'll get done today and Sukoku Snow #8 will be cast on. And I think I'll cast on a Seamen's Cowl too. I need to make one for April, especially since I won't be sewing 3 ditty bags in April like I hoped to.
After a yummy supper of BBQ-ed pork chop (I ate half, it was enormous--leftovers, yay!), some boiled baby reds, and a moderate serving of asparagus, I dragged out my colored pens and dipped into a Zentangle how-to book. I think they're meant to be mostly black but the colors appealed to me more. I've got a hardcover underwater coloring book too. Gotta color the other half of the octopus--later today, I promise. Hey, I have a complaint. I'm taking a blood-thinner to prevent blood clots after ankle surgery and they gave me a list of no-no vegetables and every single one that we eat most of the time are high in Vitamin K which is the vitamin that diminishes the effectiveness of the medicine. Gah! I've decided that I'm going to keep eating my broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and asparagus (even green onions are on that list! what veggies are we supposed to eat? Cheetos? nothing green, that's for sure. Tsk.) since I have to go for a blood test every week. Last week I was at the low end of "acceptable" so he upped my dosage by half a pill. We'll see what tomorrow's blood draw says. I can take more pills; they say I'll only need them for 60 days and I'm already 15 days in, so a quarter of the way through. I can do this. April 17--DGR Studio, Inc., DGR9523.
At the edge of the reef the bottom drops into the navy water down to white sand a hundred feet below where the light is dim, the corals are drab and wiry, fish are plain, grumpy-looking creatures that crouch on their bellies waiting for an incautious meal to swim by. ~~~~~ And that's my day. I won't deny that I take my walker to the potty every so often and maybe to the kitchen to help Durwood get something that needs bending over to fetch but it still feels a lot better to have my foot up on a pillow with an ice pack or two on it so that's what I'm doing. Look how mature and responsible I'm being. You thought I'd ignore the doctor's orders, didn't you? Well, I want to heal as well and as quickly as I can so I'm planted here on the couch finding amusements to keep me here as long as necessary. So there. --Barbara
Good for you for managing to keep busy and productive as you're planted on the couch. That little outfit for new baby boy is adorable -- especially the owl buttons.
1 comment:
Good for you for managing to keep busy and productive as you're planted on the couch. That little outfit for new baby boy is adorable -- especially the owl buttons.
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