Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Snow Moon

It occurs to me that every winter month I leave work and the full moon is tangled in the branches of the maple tree next to the parking lot, and every month I start the car, dig out my camera after putting on a hat and mitts so I don't freeze, and I take a few pictures for "the blog."  It occurs to me that the moon pictures look remarkably similar since I leave work at about the same time every day but every month I am enchanted by the look of the glowing disc seen through the black branches, and this time there was a thin scrim of cloud over the moon so the February 2015 Snow Moon is waaaaay different from any other full moon I have inflicted on you so far.  Totally different.  Besides, this year "Snow" Moon is a misnomer, up here in Green Bay we haven't had much snow at all.  In fact those of you living south of us got slammed over the weekend while we got a few flakes and roaring wind.  I'd like a nice sedate snowfall that would cover the bare places and dirty roadside snow.  Just a couple inches to tidy the place up a bit.  Plus where's the sledding snow?  What about snow days?  Kids need at least one snow day a year just for the sheer glee of it.

This morning it's bitter cold so when I went out to see about taking a sunup picture the neighbor's furnace obligingly turned on so the sun rising over L&S's house looked all artsy in a plume of steam.  It didn't matter that my slippers froze to the hard-packed patio snow while I stood there to frame the shot.  Pretty soon it'll be warm-ish again.  Really.  I'm happy that it's sunny though.

I was rather busy at work yesterday and with real customers too, not software.  It was kind of nice.  I also had a little time to knit a few rounds on BLKG Design-a-Thon Idea #1.  Maybe I'll get more done today.  And tomorrow.  And the next day.  I still want to clone myself or grow about 16 more hands so I can knit and sew and read and do all the other stuff I want to do RIGHT NOW.  *ahem* Sorry, I lost patience there for a minute.  I have too many ideas and all this working and stuff is in my way.

February 3--Craig Orsini, Pocket Watch.  Granddad's pocket watch fascinated Jake.  It was big, way bigger than Dad's wristwatch and it ticked.  Granddad wore the watch on a chain hooked through a buttonhole in the bib of his overalls, the watch was tucked into a pocket on the bib.  Grandad would pinch the chain between his thumb and forefinger and the watch would jump out of the pocket into his hand like a magic trick.  Jake liked it when Granddad sat down and patted his leg for Jake to climb into his lap so they could read a chapter in whatever book they were working on.  Right now it was White Fang and Jake would lean on Granddad's chest to listen to the story and hear the watch tick.  The sounds made him feel safe.

My dad read that book to my little brothers and one or the other of them told Mom they were listening to Snow Dog.  Somewhere around here is a snapshot of Dad sitting on the couch with a paperback book in his hand and one little boy squeezed close on each side, all three of them rapt in the story.  Good times.  Well, it's time for me to start piling on warm clothes for my adventures in not freezing for the day.  A bientot.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Love the story of Granddad and Jake and also the personal one of your dad. Sweet memories! Thought about you when I looked out at the full moon. I knew you always have a picture -- or two -- of the various winter moons.