because I'm not at home, I'm in Racine with Durwood and AddCinHub. We got here around 3-ish, in the rain, and chilly, for which neither of us brought the correct clothes. Guess that means we'll be buying a couple of fleece cardis or sweaters, probably fleeces. How can we live in Wisconsin where we have 9 months of winter and 3 months of tough sledding and not bring sweaters? I. Do. Not. Know. But we'll fix that because after the Jelly Belly stop we'll be at the outlet mall. I don't think we'll find fleeces at the tool store, no, but I am confident that there're eleventy-seven clothing stores there. Maybe Eddie Bauer. Maybe Land's End. Those are ones I like. I'm not fashion-y, I'm more need to cover up, get something useful-y. A classic, yeah, that's it, I'm classic. The weather isn't really cooperating, it's gray and rainy and cold, not optimum being out of town weather but we're more indoor people these days so we'll deal. We went to Joe's Crab Shack because Durwood is fascinated by their steampot commercials. He got one (they're huge!), the rest of us got platters (which are big enough, thanks) and we all made most of it go away. Oh, the Photo a day theme today is "letters" and I confess I'm took the lazy way out and found one I already had that (sorta) fit. Hey, it's chilly and rainy out there plus I'm in a motel room with nothing much interesting in it. You get what you get--and you're gonna like it. (one of these days I'm going to leave in the words that I auto-type, like "light" for "like" in the last sentence, see what happens)
October 19--Paul Cezanne, Trees and Houses Near the Jas de Bouffan. Nita was glad that it was autumn. All of the leaves had fallen from the trees and light flooded the woods. She loved the lush greens of summer but the cottage sat so close to the woods that the sun barely touched it at midday. She pulled on a jacket and called to her dog Raclette that it was time for a walk. The dog was a medium-brown short hair mutt with a sweet personality and a witty gleam in his eye. He carried his leash in his jaws as he trotted to her side. She hooked the leash to his collar and they went out the door.
That's when I took a 30 minute nap before turning out the light and officially starting the night. Time to get dressed for breakfast. See ya! --Barbara Sue
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