Thursday, January 13, 2011

Too Much Fun

I expect that today will either bring too much fun or a trip to the ER. My friend, John lent me his snowshoes yesterday and showed me how to put them on. I went to Play It Again Sports on my way home and bought a pair of ski poles for ten bucks to help with balance. Once I get this posted I intend to put on my polar fleece pants and my Sorrel boots, my new warm gloves and take a spin around the yard. I expect there to be a learning curve but I think I can't get too hurt in my own yard. Maybe. I'm pretty active so my parts should be in fairly good shape to try this new sport. Is it a sport? I suppose it is, I mean, I'm not going to run a trapline like John used to, that would be work. I just want to do something outside in winter. I'm tired of sitting indoors all the time. I want to be out in the fresh air breathing hard and laughing at how clumsy I am. Film at eleven.

January12--Leon Bonnat, Roman Girl at a Fountain. The water is so cool and wet. It cuts the dry-as-dust taste in her mouth. Maria stands on tiptoe to reach the thin trickle, finally tall enough to get her own drink. It seemed like she would never get tall enough to be able to lean in so that her mouth caught the stream as it fell. She hated to have to wait for someone taller to fill a dipper for her, it made her feel like a baby.

And that's all, I'm disappointed to say. I stayed up until nearly midnight and so I was extra-tired when I went to bed. But I got a book I'd been waiting for from the library (Side Jobs by Jim Butcher) on my way home too so after supper I cracked it open and the next thing I knew it was nearly 12. Now I'm off to see if I can make it around the house without breaking a leg.

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