...but I have two roses on Dad's rosebush out front (it faces south). We've only had one hard frost that killed all the tender annuals, but somehow these two little roses just won't give in. Thanks, Dad, for the little red floral treats.
I hate the thought that I should rake the leaves off the front lawn. It's so pretty when I drive up coming home from work or errands. I wish I could find carpeting that looks like that. And the mums are enjoying the cooler weather. The gold ones tipped over in the rain but they're still pretty. I need to plant the ones from the pots next door in line so they survive the winter. Next weekend, when it's not raining and mucky.
I've been knitting away on the silk & wool scarf but the imperative to keep casting on more and more narrow fashion scarves is abating a bit.
I dug out the 8 skeins of black Lion Brand Cashmere Blend (can't link to it, it's discontinued, but trust me, it's scrumptious even if it's only 15% cashmere) I got for 75% off at Hancock last year that I'm holding with the Dalegarn Ara I bought in Door Co. this fall, to knit the Campsie Wrap from the 2009 Knitting Calendar. I'm very intrigued by the construction of it. You knit a sleeve in the round (that's 9" of sleeve--about half), then knit about 5' flat on the same number of stitches, and then you join them in the round again and knit the other sleeve. To wear it, you put on one sleeve, wrap the flat part around you, and put on the other sleeve. I can see this being fun and warm to wear with either the crisscross in front or back. I have 10 skeins of the Ara, most of them different colors (I have 2 each of the pale blue and green in the pic on the right), so I'm just knitting away pulling the colors out of the bag one by one. I intended to do that blindly but I'm going to put a bit of thought into it so they follow light-ish and dark-ish. That way all the colors will get their due.
1 comment:
I'm crazy about the pattern on your narrow pink "fashion scarf". What is it?
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