Friday, January 24, 2025

Strength In Numbers

The Sparrows have been showing up in larger than usual numbers. They cluster under the feeders and work diligently to peck up all of the fallen seeds, leaving behind the seed they don't like. This little flock of them spent a lot of time under the finch feeder. They all land together and then at some silent signal they fly away, not too far, but away, and then they come back and start all over again.

I'm not at all impressed with today's watercolor effort. It's two Sunflowers and they're pretty darned terrible. On the shorter one the darker orange bled into the yellow too much and the brown from the center did too. The taller one isn't quite as ugly but it's no prizewinner. Sunflowers are not my forte. Maybe tomorrow's flower will come out better.


Today's gratitude journal page was pretty easy to draw. I had the idea to start earlier in the day and add to the page as the day went on. That seemed to work fairly well. 


I knitted the Deep Sea Hat almost up to the crown decreases tonight at Friday Night Knitting. I've joined two good-size leftover skeins and one just barely worth knitting length so there will be plenty of tails to weave in but I'm determined to use the yarn efficiently. Once this hat is done I'll have enough yarn left to knit another one just like it. Good thing too, because I've got a knitting date on Tuesday night and I'll need something simple to knit. Oh, I can't forget to make a pan of brownies on Monday to take along Tuesday night. I printed off my favorite brownie recipe this afternoon so all I need to get at the grocery is flour and eggs and I'll be in business.

It occurred to me that Kindle Create might not like the version of Windows 10 on my computer so I'm considering downloading Windows 11. It's either that or trade in this 7-year-old laptop for a new one with a bigger, faster processor and bigger brain. I'll try the download first. It's free. Which is in my price range.

Tomorrow LC and I get to go to lunch and on her birthday shop. I gave her a book on her birthday and a card promising lunch and shopping, and tomorrow's the day. She gets to choose the lunch spot and where we shop. Should be interesting. And fun.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Sounds like a great day with the birthday girl. Have fun and let us know when you shop.